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Research Methods for Business

Research Methods for Business

Assignment 1(a)


Research is a formal working which is undertaken in an organized and systematic manner for the purpose of increasing the collection and stockpiles of knowledge of any kind, such as knowledge regarding marketing, knowledge regarding humanity, knowledge regarding society and culture of a nation, and seeking out knowledge for using it in devising new plans and applications (OECD, 2002). Research is conducted in order to confirm or establish the facts, re-evaluate the outcomes of the previously done works, resolve existing or new problems and issues in order to maintain theorems and methodologies, or build up new theories. A project of research can also be an extension on any preceding work in any field of study. To examine the reliability of the procedures, instruments, or experiments, the research work may imitate elements and components of the large entire projects. Some basic researches are conducted for obtaining the primary purposes such as exploration, documentation, interpretation, development of systems and methodologies for the increasing human knowledge levels in a particular area of study. There are a lot of approaches to research depending upon the epistemologies which change between and within science and arts both considerably. A research has several types like humanities, scientific, economic, social, political, artistic, and business etc.

Types of Social Enquiry

Social research is regarded as a research which is conducted by social scientists in the context of social sciences and it follows an organized and systematic plan for conducting research. The main types of Social enquiry may particularly vary in two common categories of quantitative and qualitative dimensions.

Quantitative Methods

This type is an approach to social phenomenon with the help of quantifiable proofs, and this type of research mostly rely on the financial and statistical analysis of several scenarios and cases as it is specially designed to perform treatments in experiments and it forms reliable and valid general claims and theories which normally based on figures.

Qualitative Methods

This type helps in emphasizing the understanding of social context and phenomenon with observation directly and communicating with participants of the research. It is an analysis and comprehension of the texts and contents, and can stress subjective and contextual accuracy or appropriateness over generality.

Several other methods may also sometimes be categorized as qualitative and quantitative as most of the data contain elements of facts and figures both. For example, in the data analysis of qualitative type, there is often an involvement of a justly structured and organized approach for converting the raw data into a useful and systematic manner of information, and then quantifying the inter-coder validity and reliability of the quantifiable figures. Therefore, there is a strong differentiation between both the “quantitative” and “qualitative” types as it seems as a really complex relationship between those two types. That is why, a lot of methods for conducting an enquiry could be in both the forms of qualitative as well as quantitative data.

Assignment 1(b)

Research Objectives

The research serves several aims and ...
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