Small-Scale Research Project in a Local Estate Agency
[ID Number]
[Name of the institute]Table of Contents
Research Philosophy and Principles3
Research Strategy and Design5
Application of Research Method6
Application of Project Planning7
Application of Research Ethics8
Small-Scale Research Project in a Local Estate Agency
Human nature is the most complex thing. One of the most intriguing aspects of the human nature is the ability to explore things that are undiscovered. For this purpose human beings conduct the process of research. Research is a process that lends a hand to businesses in making wise and rational decision. Nowadays, every organization and business is relying and making the usage of this process of research to take decisions. As a result of the research the decision makers get all the essential information that is required to make effective decisions. The aim and objective of this assignment is to talk about the methodology, organization, preparation and ethical issues of the research process that is to be conducted for a small estate agency. An imagined scenario is given that there is an estate agency that wants to improve the level of satisfaction of its customers. In order to do that the management of the estate agency is willing to undertake the process of research. The following part of the paper discusses the appropriate research method that the estate agency should use and the research design and ethical perspectives of the research process.
Research Philosophy and Principles
Whenever a task is being carried out by an individual it is carried out with certain logic, rationale and philosophy behind it. Similarly, behind the process of research there always remain certain rationales that are described as the philosophies and principles of the research. When the researchers have to decide whether the qualitative research is to be adopted or quantitative research is to be used then there are a number of factors that are considered by the researcher. Jones 2000 in his research points out that whenever any research process is conducted then it should be taken into consideration that no matter what approach is to be adopted it should be kept in mind that the adopted research process should provide the required information (Jones, 2000, 66).
While deciding the approach of the research that is to be adopted and the answers and the information that is to be obtained should be kept in mind. So, keeping the required information it can be said that the appropriate and feasible method that is to be used for this research is qualitative research (Urban Wallace, 2012).
The main reason behind adopting the approach of qualitative research as also pointed out by Mikkelsen (2005), is that it is the approach of research that is adopted when there is a need to understand an issue in detail. It is the approach that often used by the researchers to understand the logic that derive customers to purchase a product or service. In a simple way, it can be said that qualitative research shows why an individual purchases a product and service (Mikkelsen, 2005, ...