Research Paper

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Research Paper

Use of Technology by Students of Middle School


Recently schools have done investment in computer systems and technologies to enhance learning of students, to motivate them and to help them in achieving their goals. There are many ways for enhancing learning of students by using technology. The first important thing to consider is that technology is matching with the learning goals or not. Another important thing is that technology itself has very little impact. In order to have impact on students learning goals and objectives must be clear (Mean, 2012). Teachers must be well trained in using technology in classroom environment and they must know how to make students use technology for learning. According to study in West Virginia it was found that outcome of students increase by using technology in classroom. 3The objective of this paper is to study the use of I pad by students in classroom instead of traditional books have any impact on students learning and increasing their abilities or not (Mean, 2012).

Problem Statement

The suggested research question of the research paper is about use of I pad by middle school students will enhance learning and help in achieving good grades.

Research Questions

How to use technology at middle school level?

Technology will increase the learning outcomes?

Teachers will be able to give instruction by using I pad?

Students will be able to achieve their goals by using I pad?

Research Objectives

The following are the objective of the study

To analyse the use of using I pad by middle school students

Benefits receive by using I pad

Examine the impact of using I pad instead of textbooks in class

Use of I pad will enhance learning of students and in achieving good grades

Significance of Study Statement

This study will help in analyzing the use of technology like I pad at middle school level. It will explore the results for using I pad instead of textbook. It will be seen that students and teachers are able to achieve their objectives and goals by using I pad. If so then Education board will implement the study practically. So that students can enhance their learning and achieve good results. It will also see that teachers are able to give instruction on I pad or not because if teachers are not able to teach by using I pad then objective would not be achieved.


Ho: There is no impact of using I pad at middle school level to enhance learning of students.

H1: There is an impact of using I pad at middle school level to enhance learning of students.

Literature Review

Using technology in schools and classrooms are the modest way of teaching. Students and teachers use different technologies outside schools. At the entire stages local, national and at state level there is a great change in teaching methodologies. Use of technologies has been increased from the middle of 20th century. Form recent surveys it was observed that use of technology have been increased by teachers. Teachers use technology as a productivity and supporting tool for them. It was also observed that there was ...
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