Research Paper

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Research Paper

Research Paper

Part 1:

School Experience

High school kids can be very cruel. I found this out first hand throughout my four years of high school. If you don't look like the average 15-17 year old, weigh about 105 lbs, and dress like you are on the cover of a magazine - high school can be a very unforgiving place. Let's just say, high school taught me a lot about true friendship and how to treat other people.

When I was fifteen years old, this was in 1985, my mother received some news that she thought was the greatest news she could ever receive. For me on the other hand, it was the end of my life, as I knew it. My mother's news was that she had received a job offer in Washington, D.C. (DC). Michelle Danette Ford, (that's me) was born in Milwaukee, WI on January 27th, 1970. I grew up with just my mother, my grandmother, and me. We were a very close family. I could not have asked for a better childhood. Growing up in a neighborhood where we were all one big happy family had its advantages. The major advantages were; all the kids in the neighborhood grew up together, went to the same elementary school, as well as the same junior high school and so on. Because of this, we accepted each other for what/who we were. We all acknowledged that we were different in many aspects. My best friend, Roxanne, had a Jamaican mother and an Irish father. I was the chubby one of the group, and there were many other differences, however, we never let that bother us or let anyone else make those differences an issue for us. My chubbiness was never a problem for me. I was always popular, always had a boyfriend, and always kept up my appearance. The weight issue did not become a problem for me until we made that dreaded move to DC. At the time of this move, I weighed over 200 lbs.

When the move finally happened, it could not have been worse timing for me. We made the move in April of 1985. I am sure that most of you are aware that most school years end in June, which made this move even worse. I had to start school not only at a new school in a new city, but also more than halfway through my ninth grade year.

The first day was very scary. The adults at Forestville High School were very nice. My Guidance Counselor was extremely helpful, but it was the students that made this the most miserable experience I have ever had. As I walked into my first period English class, the teacher stopped mid-sentence to inquire about how he could help me. I informed him that I was a new student, and today was my first day. As I stood there in front of the class, I could see the other students making fat gestures, and other laughing at ...
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