Research Ethics

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Research Ethics

Research Ethics


The American Psychological Association has published the 'Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct' to provide guidance and standards for professional conduct (Fisher, 2010). The APA Ethics Codes allow professionals to make judgments and to eliminate inequality from the society. The APA Ethics Code standards cover situations that are encountered by psychologists and help in improving their scientific and professional work (Koocher & Keith-Spiegel, 2008). Its principles and standards support to improve the condition of society. The following conditions show violations of the ethical principles. Each condition is described according to American Psychological Association ethical principles.


A)A psychology instructor asks .................for publication.

The above condition shows that the psychology instructor conducts the research without taking an informed consent. Before conducting a research instructor must take an informed consent to research. According to “APA Standard 8.02 Informed Consent to Research,” the instructor must tell the students about the purpose of the research, duration, benefits, incentives for participation and procedures. The participants should be given the right to deny and to ask questions about the questionnaires (APA, 2002). According to “APA Standard 8.08 Debriefing,” the instructor should provide information about the nature, results of the particular research.

B)After a field study of .................researcher complies.

According to “APA Standard 1.02 Conflicts between Ethics and Law, Regulations, or Other Governing Legal Authority,” if the researcher's responsibilities and ethics conflict with any law or any legal authority, he must clarify the issue and should take steps to resolve that issue. He must take responsible action to avoid the violations of human rights (APA, 2002).

C)After completing the final anyway.

The above condition describes that the author finds some false data, but he ignores the results and publishes his book despite of false information. According to “APA Standard 8.10 Reporting Research Results,” the researcher should not fabricate information (APA, 2002). If he finds any error in the data, he must take steps to correct that. According to “APA Standard 5.01 Avoidance of False or Deceptive Statements,” the researcher should not publish work that is false, deceptive, or fraudulent regarding his research (APA, 2002). The results should also be correct regarding his publication. The authors should always write and publish correct data.

D)A Ph.D. candidate ..................................mining work.

The above condition describes that the Ph.D. candidate starts working by telling false information to his colleagues for personal advantage. He does not describe about his qualifications and intentions. According to “APA Standard Principle B: Fidelity and Responsibility,” the researcher must establish a relation of trust with his colleagues. They must be aware of his responsibilities to the community. The researcher must clarify his professional responsibilities and obligations (APA, 2002). He must accept the responsibility for his behavior. He must respect his professional colleagues. He must contribute by his efforts for the well-being of society for no personal advantage.

E)A college instructor............................. are published.

The above condition describes that the instructor conducts a study on unfair berating without taking any informed consent from her students. She berates so badly, that affects the exam ...
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