Research Component - Managing The Facility

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Research Component - Managing The Facility

Research Component - Managing The Facility


The field of facility managemnet has ben grown since past decade. The facility management business idustry is growing with a rapid rate and is it has given a boost in the economies of the countries. The facility management business is a growing industry and its scope is increasing very rapidly. At the initial stages, the concepr of facilities management was just around the governmental activities, later on this concept expanded and it evolved around the business communities, the educational sectors as well as in the health care centers. In today's business environment, the facilities management has become a an essential component of today's modern business world.


The facilities management has become an important aspect of any type of the business oganiaztion. The purpose of the facilities management is to provide the best values and the great level of customers' satisfaction while managing the facilities services. The well managed facilities management provides the competitive advantage to the companies among the comptitors and allows the company to provide the services more effective and efficiently. In order to provide best facilities management aspects and to maintain the protection and safety of the important aspects in the events, the facilities management organziations are required to develop the strategies and are required to set the top priorities and the policies to reduce the risks associated with that of the facilities management (Edmond P., Robert K., Paul D., 2012). The effective stategies enable the facilities management organziation to reduce the risks of injuries and damages and thus enables the organization to manage their business effectively.

Effective strategies for facility management

Managing the facility requires the developing the effective and efficient strategies and the development of business plans in a way that ultimately provides success and growth to the organziation. The effective and efficinet startegies for the managing of facility must involve the following important strategies.

Identifying the important requirements of the organization. This involves identifying the core and non-core business activities of the organization.

Developing the managerial policies and procedures to cater the important needs and requirement of the organziation.

Developing the resources both at the internal and external levels in order to provide the facility management services (Appenzeller, H., 1998).

Indentification of financial sources and their strategic implementation.

Developing the budget to meet the need that may be either of short term or of long term.

To develop thecontrol systerms for effctive facilities management.

There are three basic stages for developing the effective strategies for efficient financial management. These stages involve all the levels of the management including the top level management and the lower level work force. The top level management analyzes the need of the organization and develop the strategic solutions by indentifying the best possible options. The lower level work force are required to put the plan ino action (Spengler, J.O., Connaughton, D.P., and Pittman, A.T., 2006).

In the management of facilities, the organizations are required to assmnble the objectives and missions with that of the policies in businnes ...
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