Research Articles: Women's Place is in the Home: Females and Residential Burglary
Research Articles: Health Services Social Workers'
Activities with People with Disabilities:
Predicters of Community Practice
What is the purpose of the article?
This article uses a qualitative research method. Qualitative research involves analyzing and interpreting texts and interviews in order to discover meaningful patterns descriptive of a particular phenomenon (Richard et. al 2002). The method has been adopted to investigate the research question. The lives of people with disabilities have been changed over the past thirty years for several reasons including deinstitutionalisation, which I will be discussing. There are several factors that have influenced these changes including human rights and the management of services and resources. There was no such thing as socializing with the outer community, working, visiting people, and all the other things those living outside institutions could do, for they were considered as not being able to face the 'real' world. The belief that everyone is born included and only later become excluded is a thread that runs through new labour community care policies. Although most would agree that these living arrangements are far superior to living in an institution, concerns have been raised that vulnerable people will not get the appropriate levels of support that they require In the past, management of services, institutions and the decision of where people would go have not run smoothly. An example of this was given in class where people were sent to the wrong places, as files were mixed up. There is very little factual information about amphetamines and their dangers available to the lay person. Research on the subject, aside from medical journals, is virtually nill. There is however a great deal of dangerous propaganda -- hear-say, lies, rumors. Misinformation sometimes is more dangerous than no information and real answers are only found through communication. The effects of this treatment have been proven to be extremely powerful in treating many psychological problems by approaching irrational and or negative automatic thoughts and changing behavioral reactions to fearful and avoidance causing situations A problem that people with disabilities have faced with deinstitutionalisation is that there has not been immediate support and services readily available for those leaving the institutes. This is obviously logical, however it is not that simple, as services rely on funds and resources, which are sometimes limited. Another major problem with deinstitutionalisation is that the society does not realize how complex life in the community can be for people with certain disabilities. As stated in the lecture, is an example of an architect who did not see any problem with a step being a certain height around some units for people with disabilities. One of the Goals the State Disability Plan wants to achieve is to make public services available to people with a disability. Like other changes, deinstitutionalisation also has limitations. One of these is the fact that when deciding where people would move to, families were called to ...