The attention deficit hyperactive disorder is a kind of developmental disorder. It generally occurs due to the co existence of many attention issues and hyperactivity. Due to the disorder each and every behavior of the individual occurs infrequently alone and the symptoms usually start before the age of seven. AHDH is considered as one of the most diagnosed and studies psychiatric disorder in adults and children and is affecting more than 4 percent of adults all over the globe. It is one of the disorders which is diagnosed at a very early age in childhood, and continues till the adulthood (Barkley, 2002).
The paper will critically analyze the peer review article on attention deficit hyperactive disorder in adults. The paper will also analyze the methodology used, followed by thorough analysis of the data. The paper will end with a detailed conclusion.
Issues in the article
The article is regarding attention deficit hyperactive disorder in adults. The major issue that have been identified by the authors in the study is that whether ADHD builds in adults through analyzing and examining the adaptive impairment and the various sub type differences which are identified in the Axis 1 and the Axis 2 comorbidity. The key questions that the research will answer are that whether ADHD accumulates more externalizing disorders as compared to ADHD 1. The study will also analyze the issue that which domains of the Axis 2 personality disorder are linked with ADHD. Last but not the least, the issue that the authors have studied is that whether ADHD and its symptoms affect impairment which is due to Axis 1 and Axis 2 personality disorder.
Source of the issue
The authors in the research paper have identified that there are two sources which are Axis 1 and Axis 2, common cause of ADHD. They contribute in constructing ADHD over time with age in individuals. The Axis 1 personality disorder states that all the mental disorders in the patients are not personality disorders. The issues in the Axis 1 include infancy, anxiety, depression and tension. On the other the other major cause of ADHD in adults is the Axis 2 personality disorder. The Axis 2 personality disorder is associated with mental retardation. If the patient mental condition is affected by some medication, it is referred to as Axis 2 disorder.
Significance of issue
ADHD is considered as a very common mental and brain disorder in adults and childhood. The research conducted by the authors is very significant as not much investigation has been done on ADHD in relation with the Axis 1 and the Axis 2 ...