Representations and Creativity in Children's Drawing
Representations and Creativity in Children's Drawing
Young children are striking in their ability to dream, to see the world in unimaginable colors. But in itself the imagination this is the creative principle, inherent in every person. However, some people need a boost, helping to develop their abilities. Children gradually acquire the ability to basic aesthetic judgments (about the phenomena of life, the objects created by man, works of art). Development in children aesthetic feelings can lead them to the aesthetic appreciation of the subject and its individual properties, which can be described by different definitions: a huge, elegant, light, joyous, festive, lively, etc (Bennett and Rogers, 1997).
Thesis Statement
This paper discusses the representations and creativity in Children's drawing that helps them to learn.
The figure draws or paints a child is much more than a few strokes on paper. Each drawing is an expression that reflects the feelings, the intellectual, physical, perceptual aptitude, creative factor implicit aesthetic taste, and even the child's social development. The drawings also reflect the changes experienced by the child grow and develops. To understand and appreciate better the importance of these changes must be understood the meaning of the different factors of the development (Borden, 1997).
A drawing can be an opportunity for the child to develop emotionally, which is directly related to the intensity of that relates to their work. The degrees of self-identification vary from a low level of rapport with stereotyped repetition, to a high level where the creator gives himself to the task of representing things that are meaningful and important to him and where he himself appears in the drawing, especially small children (Swan, 1986).
For aesthetic education of children and to develop their abilities Fine is very important acquaintance with the works of art. Brightness, expressive images in paintings, ...