Report Briefing - On Proctor And Gamble And How They Innovate And Control Change.

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Report Briefing - On Proctor and Gamble and how they innovate and control change.

Report Briefing - On Proctor and Gamble and how they innovate and control change.

Executive Summary

P & G group was successful in finding ways streamline U.S. operations for greater profitability. In 2009, after some initial success with localized implementations, P & G began its evolution toward a global standard platform with a globally harmonized system for ERP rollout. These platforms are crucial to help overcome regional fragmentation issues, reaching consensus on priorities, establish global practices, and manage risks and opportunities worldwide. P & G designed a three-tier model for providing data harmonization of business processes across multiple SAP cases, a platform for running a truly global company business. The foundation of the model was a world standardized IT system. (Kotter 2004 P.18 )

P & G Organization

Almost twenty years ago, Procter & Gamble (P & G) began to prepare for this evolution, changing approach to information across the organization. The company began to treat it as a separate asset applications that "finds" and focused on manage this strategic asset, in particular create a truly global IT systems.2 Thus, P & G is an outstanding example of how a company can prepare very much to meet the compliance burdens and compete effectively in the era of transparency. P & G is wellpositioned to meet new compliance regulations and able to reduce the costs of the supply chain, speed innovation cycles, re-align their IT resources, increase competitive advantage in M & A activities and allowing comprehensive views of the relations of the parties concerned. In P & G, compliance and performance optimization are two sides of the same coin. Transparency, through accurate unified and standardized data and global systems process is the basis for compliance and performance.(Mulcaster 2009 P.19) 'Touching lives, improving life "is the corporate motto of the company has 138,000 employees loyal customers worldwide.

Procter and Gamble seems to bring new product ideas from outside the company. Connect + Develop led to the development of 42% of new products from P & G in recent years. In February 2010, the company said it will launch an "avalanche" of new products worldwide, using innovation to drive sales in fiscal 2010 coming from the global recession.(Davila, Epstein and Shelton, 2006, p. 73). Today, P & G uses an innovation model called C and D, which means to connect and develop. They work with individuals and companies, laboratories, research institutes, financial institutions, suppliers, universities and R & D networks A team of more than 50 people seeking opportunities of open innovation in engineering, technology, brands, packages and more. (Davila et al., 2006 p. 73).

Innovation of P & G

The foundation of the model was a world standardized IT system. A specialized R / 3 - Client Data World, "was the" foundation "for whole system. This client was the key to the normalization mechanism, since the system was launched at the same time ...