Religious Freedom

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Religious Freedom

Religious Freedom


Religious freedom is a significant principle that encourages the freedom of a person or the entire community, in public or private sector, to worship and practice their religion in the nation. The principle gives the right to individual the freedom to change their religion and to convert to any other religion. The principle also supports the fact that individuals and society also has the right of not to follow any religion. Moreover, the individual have the right to leave any religious practice and this principle has been covered under the universal declaration of human rights.


The fundamental principle of freedom of right is crucial to all the diverse societies in the global world. People belonging to various different religions live together, so there is a possibility that many conflict may arise between them. Differences are observed where majorities dominate the society, the principle of religious freedom plays a very important role as it allows people, who have different perspectives, to live together peacefully. In short, the religious freedom helps to reduce violence and mediate conflict in the society.

Issues in religious freedom

Over the years, I have observed that societies consist of people, who belong to different religion and beliefs. In America, most of the population is constituted by Christians, Muslims and Indians. Therefore, I believe that it is quite possible that religious differences may arise, when people from all the three communities will live together. The issue that I will be discussing is the issue of religious tolerance in the United States of America.

I have observed that after the 9/11 attacks, American have seen Muslims as a violent community and they believe that their religion Islam promotes violence against non Muslims. After the terrorist attacks, there have been issues created related to the religious intolerance in America. I believe that over the years, on the basis of religious intolerance, Americans have always discriminated and hated the Muslims because of their beliefs and religions. Muslims have been discriminated and have been treated badly by the government, people and other religious communities. I also believe that the government should not consider the issue of religious intolerance a political issue and should take adequate measures to control it. (Greenhouse, 2010)

Exploration on issue of religious intolerance and religious freedom

The terrorist attacks of 9/11 and their aftermath have been contributing to the increase in intolerance and discrimination against Muslims in all parts of the world. The terrorism acts cannot be defined on the basis of political, religious or cultural reasons. On the other hand, the issue of intolerance has gained a lot of attention in the United States after the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

Religious tolerance is a concept which promotes individuals to respect and tolerate other religions, beliefs and traditions in the society. After the 9/11 attacks, Muslims were discriminated at all levels. There were not given rights in any field of the society. This led to the development of Islamophabia. The concept of Islamophabia and discrimination is not new for Muslims and has been ...
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