Religion In Afghanistan

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Religion in Afghanistan


There are various past studies that were based on how the religion affects politics in the Afghanistan. For generations, social scientists believed religion to be declining in influence to the point that it might eventually be marginalized. However, political scientists continue to observe, among other things, the importance of Islam in the Afghanistan and the increasing influence of extremist Islam leading to events such as September 11, 2001. As political scientists have asked questions about these developments, the body of literature on the subject has grown to the point that the American Political Science Association recently initiated a journal titled Politics and Religion in order to give proper attention to this important area of research. The religion of the Afghanistan is Islam and from the perspective of the geography Islam guides the people towards spending the life in a peaceful and fair manner.


The following part of the study discusses the cultures and the religion in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is the country where the religion is considered as the source that guides the people and is always a priority in one's life. The geography of Afghanistan has a slight resemblance to the geography of the United States. Few people in Afghanistan are well trained, and some have no education at all. Afghanistan's history starts far back before the origin of the Christ history. In addition, God that is Allah sees all Muslims on the basis of the equality. Almost all Afghans are Muslims of the Islamic religion. Not all Afghans from the Muslim religion. The religion of the Afghanistan is different as compare to the United States. The Islam is the religion of the Afghanistan and from the perspective of the geography Islam guides the people towards spending the life in a peaceful and fair manner. (Coll, 2004)Almost more than half of them come from Islam. In addition, all fasting during the holy month of Ramadan guides the people for the prosperity and peace in the society. They fast during the day except at night. All Muslim men should try to visit the holy city of Mecca. It is in the Saudi Arabia and must travel at least once in their life. Only Muslim men should try to visit before they die and the women should not do so. (Jalali & Grau, 2001)

Accountability of Conduct

All actions on the ground to determine their place in the life hereafter, one of them is responsible for all actions and even the smaller events. In fact, happiness is mentioned in the Quran twice and twice hereafter life, not life on Earth. It is impressed on all of the Muslims living in a balanced way so that life on Earth is not the hope of a better life given in the afterlife. Be more balanced implementation of tasks and responsibilities, you are responsible for the afterlife. In addition to the land subject to liability as a Muslim God, ignore their own responsibility to others, such as family, relatives, neighbours and employers, can also lead to ...
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