Religion: Assessment And Reporting

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Religion: Assessment and Reporting

Religion: Assessment and Reporting

An overview of Assessment

The main purpose of the paper is to develop assessment criteria that will help the teachers and the students regarding the classroom religion program in a Catholic school. Therefore, for this purpose, the author highlighted different aspects of the assessment techniques. However, the author formulated the techniques in a such a way that the paper covered the traditional techniques for the assessment of the religion program as well the modern techniques for the assessment that not only help the teachers in understanding the strength of the students but also enable the students to learn in an effective manner.

Assessment of classroom religion program is a process that provides information to make the necessary adjustments in the process of teaching and seek support for educational progress. It is a commitment to revise collegiate educational practice, sharing values and attitudes that become the benchmark of educational and self-assessment of progress in pupils.

The complexity of the religion educational program lies in the set of personal, family and environmental factors that affect school performance and in all personal and professional components of teacher, which contributes to evaluating its task, is balanced. This is more important to assess learning of attitudes, values and norms. The assessment and reporting must be motivating and attitudes to succeed and generate progressive increase self-esteem. It should help the learner must know your limitations and provide guidelines to overcome them. If you educate in values is because they are expected to be modified as a result of educational action (Corrigan, et. al., 2000, pp. 215-22).


Assessment Principles

Assessment and reporting involves judging the extent being incorporated the values and attitudes that promote, not to qualify, but to plan and decide what further actions be taken by the educational religion program. A triple conception of the content to be assessed: conceptual, procedural and attitudinal. In the conceptual, as facts, concepts and principles, we expect to rote learning, relationship and understanding. The evaluation criterion is knowledge. In outline, i.e. use of various actions and strategies to achieve goals, learning seeks knowledge and use of skills. Expertise is evaluated. In the attitudinal content, such as attitudes, values and standards, seeks to achieve a predisposition to act in a socially accepted way. Value is evaluated.

Despite the triple perspective of teaching content, content does not mean everything has to be treated in all three categories, but allows teachers reflection on the different dimensions of the contents and decide the approach to teach and use the best strategy (Chappell, 2004, pp. 149-58).One of the major difficulties in assessing values education is the confusion arising from the inability to evaluate, because the values are understood as personal and also for fear of the effects of a negative evaluation in the absence of measures optimization.

Learning criteria values, norms and attitudes can explain: learn a value means it is able to regulate their own behavior in accordance with the normative principle stipulates that value; learn ...
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