Phaedo of Plato is among the great debates of his middle period, together with the Symposium and the Republic. The Phaedo that illustrates the Socrates' death also refers to the seventh and last dialogue of Plato to specify the final days of philosopher, following Apology, Crito Euthyphro, Sophist, Statesman, and Theaetetus. The main themes in the Plato's Phaedo is the notion that spirit is immortal, along with four arguments, namely Opposites or Cyclical Argument, Theory of Recollection, Affinity Argument and Argument from Form of Life.
There are number of views about spirituality and afterlife. Similarly, Plato also gave his idea about spirituality and life after death. He believed in the idea of dualism and immortality. He presented the idea of immortality in dual sphere by depicting spirit as immortal both before and after death. On the other hand, consider body as mortal because the body stops functioning after death of a person. Plato considered soul as eternal because he alleged that soul has and will always exist. Moreover, stated that human life in the flesh is only a small part of his existence and the life will still continue after the death. He believed that the departure of the soul from human body was in fact the highest form of survival as the immaterial forms realm is the highest existence form. He similarly suggested disembodied existence as an ideal condition rather than embodied existence. The Christianity basis is bodily rebirth of an individual. Similar to the theory of Plato that believes in the termination of functions of body after death, as well as considers that soul is not present at the time disembodied (Miles, 2001).
Plato believes that the soul and the body of an individual person is the same and is an immaterial thinking matter, refers to a mind. Furthermore, Plato believed that soul does not need a body and can exist independently; and death refers to the separation of the body from the soul. The environmental afterlife story can be determined by the present way of living of an individual that refers to three possibilities; firstly, it might the imprisonment of a soul in the body this refers that the physical body has the same soul; a disembodied mind - soul will remain without a body; and soul might be visible but without a body such as in the form of ghost.
Socrates states two arguments for the self-killing prohibition, but does not necessarily endorse, nearly in most of the circumstances that have put forth a powerful and long influence over subsequent topic discussion. In the context of Phaedo, the discussion of the suicide nature is closely linked with the conception of Socrates of true philosophy, which refers to the preparation for death, the immortality of soul, and the relationship between body and soul. This conception in Phaedo can be relate to the philosophically satisfying difference between philosophy and suicide, as well as how it is related ...