Religion And Spirituality

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Religion and Spirituality


Christianity is a religion Abraham monotheistic based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the biblical canon. His followers believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the Messiah (or Christ) prophesied in the Old Testament, who died for the redemption of the sins of mankind, and rose again three days after his death. Its beginnings date from the first half of the first century of the Christian era.

Christianity in the Protestant Religion

Protestantism, which now covers some 200 million believers, began as a movement of Christian groups that advocated the supreme authority of the Bible freely interpreted by individuals at a time when the Church of Rome required complying with the interpretation of the hierarchy. Evangelical groups, as they called themselves, eventually secede and form the Protestant Church of Luther. A century later the Lutherans were divided when Protestant leader appeared a second Calvin. Luther and Calvin join and separate them from Catholicism, the doctrine respect to a will of man in relationship with God. Catholics believe that the will determines itself in its operations, or that there is no predestination. For Luther the human will is bound to God or Satan, never free. Calvin gives the man only freedom from coercion or that God does not move with violence to the will to act, but previously determined, so that you cannot resist doing good or evil. Therefore, accept two types of predestination. Protestants do not have a specific creed or particular organization.

The practices of the Catholic faith were interrogated throughout the improvement and the convictions of men for example Martin Luther (1483 - 1546) prompted a new belief called Protestantism. The period 'Protestant' was taken up after followers of Martin Luther formally protest contrary to hard work to restrict the dispersed of Luther's new ideas (Plakans, pp.48).

This led to the beginning of the anti-authoritarian form of church governance and by far the most exclusive Anglican priest up for the localized form, we have today. Ultimately, this is the feudal system has been in the starting position, disputes among the feudal lords, because they have their own front of the bishop, thus beginning the representatives of the Government and Parliament to consider the present era, the Middle Ages, complete transmission of the contempt(Udrenas, pp. 16-26).

What Led To The Reformation?

The Protestant Reformation was initiated where the individuals of the Christian re-restructuring of worship, especially in the areas of teaching and Catholic practice of selling indulgences (Musteikis, pp. 78). Indulgence is a penalty has confessed due to the crime has been given, and pardon the appropriate relief. Mediaeval religious thinkers and philosophers like Albertus Magnus & Thomas Aquinas, a Catholic saint worthy of watching as the cornerstone of tolerance can be given. A money bank was formed with the wealth generated from the indulgencies in 1220 by the Catholic Church. Still, the subsequent era experienced the development of a large number of ill-treatment, for example, by a professional 'pardoners' tolerance limit sales (Musteikis, ...
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