Religion And Prejudices In American

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Religion And Prejudices In American

Religion And Prejudices In American

Religious prejudices

Religious prejudices are linked with treating or giving value to an individual or group in a distinctive way according to what they do or do not trust in. One of the most recent sign of ethnocentrism that has been seen in the world was the American attack on Iraq and Afghanistan , through this act they have shown that religion matters a lot to them they can not see other religious nations flourishing in there territory (Sutton & Douglas 2005).

Beside other factors, relevant at the base of this attack was a prejudiced conception of the Muslim religion (Islam). This resulted in various conflicts related to political, social, economical, and religious conflicts infront of the entire world. Another example of these religious prejudices was the conflict between Ireland and Great Britain was mainly due to the difference in their political and religious ideology.

Racial and ethnic prejudice

The bias regarding race and discrimination directed at a racial group, has been one of the biggest social problems in the world. Racial discrimination has created enormous social gaps in many different countries, in Europe or Africa , as in the United States and Latin America. Racial prejudice is closely linked with cultural prejudice, it creates negative attitude towards the different races present around the globe. Ethnocentrism is the belief of dominance in terms of culture and ethnic group.

In fact, in the mythical world view of many traditional cultures it is considered that the place where the focus group of the world is located, the humanity gets leverage. Thus, in Puno for example, Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo, supposedly born in the center of the world (Lake Titicaca). The same is known of the society of Easter Island (Chile), whose native name means center of the world (Truelove & Joireman 2009). The children are also strong examples of this tendency to see the familiar and the same as the standard.

The German Nazi is one of the emblematic examples of ethnic prejudice race. While many people agreed with the discrimination against the Jews for their supposed condition of inferiority to the Aryans, many others followed the rules imposed by the current policy , even without considering them as absolute truths. Due to some acts of human rights , discrimination based on race has been greatly diminished from many countries of the world. This modern racism is expressed by certain sentences that show favoritism or perceptions whereby positive traits are associated to a group more than another. Furthermore, this distorted perception prevents some of the groups accept or to be aware of differences in access to opportunities for minority groups: "A survey revealed that in 1993, 70% of white and 30% of black Americans accepted that black Americans had few opportunities incomparison to white Americans to get into any community of job for which they were qualified " (Veenvliet 2008).

Aesthetic prejudice

On the other hand, there is a bias of an aesthetic nature, which can take several forms, ...
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