Religion And Crime

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Does Religion Deter or Crime?

Does Religion Deter or Cause Crime?


Religion is a human activity system composed of beliefs and practices about what is considered divine or sacred, moral, and spiritual. The term 'religion' refers to different expressions and beliefs of the religious phenomenon, which members of different groups share. Some of the religions are organized into more or less rigid, while others have no formal structure and are present in cultural traditions and ethnic society in which they are practiced. The term refers to both personal beliefs and practices as collective rituals and teachings (Ross 1994, pp. 65-86).

Crime, in a dogmatic sense, is defined as a conduct, act or typical omission, which is unlawful according to law and guilty to a penalty called corresponding penalty. In such cases, the offender is subject to a punishment. Criminal offense or crime involves criminal law. In a legal sense, penal codes and doctrine define "crime" as any conduct (act or omission) that is contrary to the law of the country where it occurs. There are differences in the definition of crime when it comes to various schools of criminology (Roe 2008, pp. 89-138). Sometimes, especially in the tradition, attempts were made ??through the concept of natural law, thereby creating natural crime. Today, that sense has been left aside, and accepts a reduction over a number of behaviours that a society at a given moment, decide to punish. This is intended to release paradoxes and cultural differences that hinder a universal definition.

Conflict Theory and Karl Max's View on Religion

It is the effort to lead among the competing social groups, such as classes, genders, races and religions and these groups want their dominance among the society. When theorists look at the society, they look at the social dominance of sub groups through the control, power, and intimidation of leading groups. In the conflict theory, the most authoritative members of leading groups form the rules for achievement and opportunity in society, frequently refusing sub groups such achievements and opportunities; this ensures that the authoritative carry on to dominate influence, advantage, and power. Most of the conflict theorists counter this oppression and support for an equal social order. Marx's popular theories are on economics and culture. Marx in, said less about religion straightforwardly; the rationale is that his critique of religion structured one part of his overall theory of society (Pogarsky 2004, pp. 111-135).

According to Marx, religion is an expression of material realities and economic injustice. Thus, troubles in religion are eventually problems in society. Religion is not the sickness, but simply a warning sign. He said religion is one of those social foundations which are based upon the material and economic realities in a society. Karl Marx related the Conflict Theory of religion. He was an affirmed atheist and mocked those who clustered to religion to fill the emptiness in their lives (Newman 1999, pp. 149-173). He thought that religion permitted groups to do not recall their depression and escape from the everyday lives, ...
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