Relationship Between Theory And Practice

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Relationship between Theory and Practice

Relationship between Theory and Practice


This paper involves therapeutic interventions for the people who have lived in prisons for some time. If we want to break the vicious circle that impedes the social rehabilitation of released offenders, the support programs should first include measures to reduce recidivism. There are currently little rigorous evaluation studies which allow us in identifying good practices and assessing the effectiveness of specific interventions. Despite the limitations posed by evaluations, it is possible to conclude that some forms of intervention seem to have a positive effect, contributing effectively to the reintegration of ex-prisoners in the community and reducing recidivism. These programs provide a continuous phase of detention, release and post-release period, their implementation by using collaboration between the courts, social services, health agencies, families of ex-prisoners and community organisations.

We consider it important that the development of interventions aimed at making easier the social reintegration of offenders and reduce recidivism into account the results of programs implemented to date. Prevention practices presented in this report will be able to inspire practitioners and guide all those involved in the development of preventive measures and strategies in this area.

This paper will lead to a number of practical considerations and recommendations, which have been evaluated by me while working with the agency that supports the ex-offenders in continuing their life after prison. I have been working on a placement with an agency who support ex-offenders leaving prison by giving them housing support. Most of them were high dependency drug users, sex offenders or sex workers. Most of my theory work had been around:

Person centred

Task centred work

Solution focussed approach

Anti-oppressive practices and empowerment

Carl Rodgers counselling skills

Attachment theory

I will be discussing here my own personal experience which I had while dealing with those ex-offenders.


Ex-offenders are confronted with many problems that affect their ability to become law-abiding citizens. This is especially true for high-risk offenders, whose criminal record is heavily loaded. The attention paid to the reintegration of offenders into the community is the key element of any prevention program and any intervention, which aims to reduce recidivism. These interventions represent a wide range of measurements and reflect the efforts made in this area by the criminal justice system, in collaboration with community agencies and organisations. The reintegration programs aimed primarily on risk factors associated with recidivism, while more specific initiatives to address issues that the offender meets their release from prison, as substance abuse and lack of access to employment. Other interventions target specific groups, such as sex offenders or young offenders at high risk. Generally, these are the distinguished rehabilitation programs in prison interventions, monitoring programs in transition, assistance programs in the transition phase and integrated programs of continuing care.

If they want to be effective, prevention strategies should target crime factors associated with numerous crimes committed by persons who have suffered deprivation of liberty and did not know or could find their place in the community as law-abiding citizens after their release ...
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