Understanding of the Relationship between Diet, Exercise and Health
Table of Contents
Understanding of the Relationship between Diet, Exercise and Health
Trina O'Sullivan is a twenty nine year old woman who leads a hectic lifestyle. She has a full time job at Morrison's and works a four week rota of different shifts. Trina works a five day week Monday to Friday. With working different shifts she finds it very difficult sticking to the same eating time as most days she grabs something as and when she can. Trina lives in a three bed roomed council house in a built up area with her two children aged nine and five. She is separated from the children's farther but lives with her long term partner. Trina has to get the bus to and from work and walk a five minute journey from and to the bus stop, she doesn't carry out any further exercise. Trina is a non smoker but enjoys visiting her local pub where she drinks heavily on Friday and Saturday evenings till closing. After she will visit her local take away choosing whatever takes her fancy.
Trina has completed a seven day diet and exercise diary in which I have inputted the data into the comp eat programme.
Firstly I asked Trina to complete a food and activity diary, the diary was structured over a seven day period. This was to receive an accurate reading. Within the diary I have asked Trina to record all food and drink intake. I will then input the information recorded in the diary into the comp eat programme. This analysis shows nutritional components recovered over the seven days. At the beginning of the comp eat analysis it asked for Trina's height and weight, these being 7st 10 and 5ft 2- BMI=.... it also asked what type of lifestyle she leads. The categories being light, moderate and hectic. Trina's lifestyle is moderate. This information is gathered for an accurate reading. Comp eat gives a dietary analysis and to the Dietary Reference Values (DRVs)
Another method that we used to determine physical health measurements was for Trina to complete some physical health activities at her local sports hall; this included a stretch test, peak flow and blood pressure. Due to one of Trina's children being unwell Trina was unable to attend this meeting.
In this essay I am going to do a case study on a client of my choice who has completed a seven day diet and activity diary. I am going to show understanding of the relationship between diet, exercise and health. In the case study I will look at my client's background on lifestyle, factors affecting food choice, body composition and physical active habits. I am going to state the inter- relationships between social status, nutrients, health and exercise. I will also identify the sources, function and requirements for nutrients. Finally I will look the importance of a healthy balanced diet.
We observed that whereas BMI was associated with a twofold increased risk of frequent ...