Regulatory Influences On Curriculum

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Regulatory Influences on Curriculum

Regulatory Influences on Curriculum


An endorsement from the association of higher education has defined the concept of certification or accreditation as the main way of improving and assuring the worth of education in the different programs and institutions in America. Certification is dependent on the concept of standard, trust, judgments, evidences & process from the peers. Regional, national faith based, national private career, and programmatic creditors conduct institutional accreditation. The purpose of accreditation is to assure the quality, the right to use of the state-owned and federal funds for the process. (James, 2008)

Nationwide League for Nursing

The National League for Nursing (NLN), the Bureau of Health Professions) is based in America, have managed to identify an interior course of study & the terminal aims in the field of gerontology, for the entry level test for a professional nurse. The moments of a conference for educating the aged nurses', which was financed by Merck, provided a significant review of the literature on the topic of nursing the elderly at this level of practice. (James, 2008)

The document of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) The Essentials of Education Degree (Baccalaureate) for Practice of Professional Nursing has provided a model to define, develop and revise syllabuses of the undergraduate level of education. This document has outlined the skills, the values, and the nucleus of the knowledge required, and the character of the practitioner skills. Additionally, this document has stressed the call for the courses, theoretical, and the objective experiences, which would develop the graduate, of the future, to give care throughout their life, with especial focus on the concepts of changes, which occur due to o aging. These skills, values and the knowledge are very important to ensure that care is there for the patients at all times. (James, 2008)

The occupation of nursing is a character, and is accessible to the developing aging people in the society. Therefore, the concept of caring for the frail and healthy old people is a growing attention of professional practice of nursing.

The purpose of the document namely, “Older Adults: Recommended Competencies and Curricular Guidelines for Geriatric Nursing Care in the Undergraduate Program “, is to assist the educators for nurse to integrate the specific nursing concepts for the elderly people, in the course of the undergraduate.

This document capability in the concept nursing for the aged people at the undergraduate level has been organized as follows:

A. The required competences, which is necessity for the nurses to ensure quality health care to the elderly people and their families.

B. The elderly competencies related to the paper The Essentials of Education Degree (Baccalaureate) for Professional Nursing Practice with suggestion for teaching strategies and content

C. The inclusion of the pertinent strategies and content of education in the syllabus

D. The resources, which are necessary to smooth the progress of the implementation of teaching strategies and the content of education

The competencies that are vital for the nurses to give high quality care to the elderly people and ...
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