Reframing Organization

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Reframing Organization

Reframing Organization


Today, organizations operate in a rapidly changing environment. Consequently one of the most important possessions of an organization is the ability to manage change and for people to stay healthy and authentic. Many experts agree that the following definition of OD is the main objective of today's professionals and OD.

"Organization Development is a system-wide implementation of conduct, scientific knowledge in development planning and strengthening of organizational strategies, structures and processes to improve the effectiveness of an organization" (Peter & Peter, 1991 74-256). The OD approach focuses on organizational culture, which influences the way they work. Organizational Development Organization transforms the culture (widely shared beliefs, values and behaviors), working with social systems and techniques such as culture, work processes, communication and rewards.


An analysis of the organization's culture would not be complete without a discussion of leadership. Bolma and supply (and supply Bolma 2008, 105-339) theory of leadership has four main components: the structure, human resources, political and symbolic. The theory assumes that these four represent the directions or how leaders perceive the situation and, in turn, how these situations are defined and how it can be managed more effectively. The structure and management of human resources related to the efficiency of political and symbolic, while the frames are linked to effective leadership. It is also assumed that leader possessing leadership orientations for the four frames yield the most effective leadership style. Bolma offer and said that "increasingly complex and turbulent organizational world demands greater cognitive complexity: Managers need to understand the most effective managers and how to use them in practice ... to be fully effective as managers and leaders (pp. 528-529)

Bolma and Deal (2008) suggested that everyone prefers to officials and administrators who used to gather information, make judgments, to determine the behavior and explain the behavior (University of Melbourne). Each version provides a framework for organizing life and each table also provides a limited range of good ideas, techniques, and processes can be used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.

Structural framework

Finding the structure is a central concern of any organization. Structure of lines and boxes on the organizational structure: a rational basis for the roles and relationships that portrays the patterns of activities, expectations and exchanges among employees and external customers or clients. Structure is not synonymous with bureaucracy, paperwork, or stiffness. This is a set of provisions designed to meet organizational needs for standardization, efficiency, clarity and predictability of its objectives and the environment. (Bolma and Deal, 2008, 105-339)

"Structure" manager seeks to design and implement a process or structure that will be appropriate for this problem and circumstances. The steps are:

• Clarify the objectives of the organization

• Managing the external environment

• Develop a structure for the task, and environment

• Clear lines of authority

• Focus on the task, the facts and logic rather than on personality and emotions.

The framework of human resources

The Director of Human Resources at people as the heart ...
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