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Knowledge Management- A Managerial Strategy for High Performance Work System

Table of Contents




Taxonomies of Knowledge4

Knowledge Management from Different Perspective5

Building Knowledge Management Competence7

Management Theories7

What is Knowledge management9

High Performance Working12

Knowledge management's impact on “high performance working”13



Knowledge Management- A Managerial Strategy for High Performance Work System


Knowledge is a vital subject in favor of trade entities. At hand have been a number of various viewpoints from which scholars and intellects have developed towards the framework of the management of knowledge. Whilst the attainment, dispersion, and utilization of knowledge have for every time been a vital part of human affairs (hence the entrenched sphere of epistemology), Penrose, and present us with a premium basis for connecting knowledge to twenty-first century trade entities. Drucker characteristically states knowledge, as we progress into the “knowledge society” , as the significant resource for individual companies and the significant driver of competitive advantage for developed nations, challenging in knowledge-based industries, living with knowledge communities and societies(Nonaka, Ikujiro, 1994, pp. 14-37).

Business entities have an inbuilt concern by using both the business knowledge possessed by the entity, and the personal knowledge of their workers. What is being discussed in this report is all about the business knowledge which is either realistic knowledge, or constructive knowledge for the management, creation, service and innovation in industries, relatively than broader social and scientific knowledge(Lackler,1993,pp. 863-84).

This concise review focuses the diverse views, viewpoints on, and approaches to knowledge management. After keeping all these subjects in view, one can then advance on to mounting a deeper classification of the thought of knowledge in the business framework. It is important to differentiate knowledge from information and data. If knowledge is not different from either data or information then there is nothing new or interesting about knowledge management. According to Davenport (1997), data are observations of states of the world, information is data endowed with relevance and purpose, and knowledge is valuable information. The most common representation of knowledge places it atop a conceptual pyramid, the foundation of which is data. The knowledge pyramid represents the concept of knowledge transformation, where data is transformed into information, and information is transformed into knowledge(Darroch, 2003, pp. 41-54.) .



The gist of the word “knowledge” is mainly referred to a number of varied clarifications. In the olden times it has been associated with word or phrases such as data, information, intellect, talent, know-how, knowledge, thoughts, instinct, and imminent, which the entire depends on the framework in which the terms are used.

Knowledge can be further explained as subjective or intentional; or explicit or implicit. Polanyi initially alienated human knowledge into two elements: explicit knowledge (noble and written knowledge, expressed in the type of information, scientific formulae, specification, guidebooks, or workbooks) and tacit knowledge (action-based and unclear, highly personal and strong to shift). Polanyi states that knowledge is not made by an deliberate flow of events and the important outcome of a rephrase or term scientific venture, but is trapped in such human situation as the reason of magnificence and zeal (Cook, ...
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