Reflections On The First Amendment

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Reflections on the First Amendment

Reflections on the First Amendment


The forefathers of the United States of America introduced many radical ideas for their time. Some of their ideas can be found in the Declaration of Independence and in the Constitution; phrases like "All men are created equal; and "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness" exemplify these ideas. (Simmons 2008)

First Amendment

The First Amendment states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievance." (Powe 2007)

There are many historical debates about what our founding fathers wrote in 1791. So many questions have been left unanswered, but there's one fact; there are many advantages and disadvantages that have developed from the First Amendment.

The founders of the United States government tried to protect this liberty by assuring a free press, to gather and publish information without being under control or power of another. So why do we need to be concerned if we, as citizens, have been properly protected under the constitution? Our concerns occur on account of special interest groups that are fighting to change the freedom of expression, (Mount 2005)the right to freely represent individual thoughts, feelings, and views, in order to protect their families as well as others.


The United States Constitution is the foundation of the government. The original Constitution written in 1776 stated various laws and procedures for the government; however many citizens criticized the Constitution because it failed to mention individual rights such as freedom of expression. In 1791 the first ten amendments to the constitution were adopted, these ten amendments became known as the Bill of Rights. (Konvitz 2008)

The First Amendment guarantees the people of the United States freedom of religion, expression, assembly and petition. Unfortunately not everyone in the world is so fortunate. In many places the first amendment is seen as a privilege rather than an unalienable right. Democratic Governments are by the people, and run through elected representatives. Without freedom of expression, religion, petition and assembly a democratic government cannot exist. The First Amendment and democracy go hand in hand with each other. During times of war there is always opposition to the actions of the government. An example of that would be the war between the US and Iraq, many American citizens were against it, but the government went to war. The people of the U.S. exercise the right to protest and make sure that the government is aware of their opposition to the war (Kilman & Costello 2000).

In the United States there are many cultures living together. I feel that without the First Amendment this diverse range of cultures would not be able to coexist with each other. For example, there are beautiful Churches, Mosques and Synagogues all in the same neighborhoods. The people are able to peacefully worship wherever they choose ...
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