After failing my piano lesson exam my mom and I were sitting in the room. I was crying non-stop and repeating over and over. I hate playing piano! I hate it. I never ever want to go back to that place again. I will never be able to play as good as my sister. Older kids were making fun out of me. My mother replied, Ok, if not piano would you like to try a drawing?
There is an Art school accepting new applications for this year. As long as I remember you always liked to draw. I was 12 years old when I got accepted to the Art School of my dreams. On a fourth year of an Art School I was working on my final work when my instructor asked if I would like to participate in a drawing contest involving cats. That year we had a huge cat show n town where all cat lovers gather together brining their cats and competing against each other. I knew from the start that it is going to be another work load on me. I had to meet certain criteria and follow the rules in order to participate. The picture size should have been a certain size. It had to meet the deadlines. I had to turn in my work 5 days before the show. I could not refuse the offer because I am a huge cat lover, besides there were prizes involved. The prize deal was that the first three winning pictures will be published on the calendar for the next year and some cash prizes.
I think my love for the cats saved me because it took me about 48 hours to complete my drawing. My cat Sasha had inspired me in my work. She was a freshly newly mother of 3 beautiful kittens. I just simply admire these magnificent creatures. They are adorable! I can remember presentation day so clear because somewhat it wan and important day of my life. I was so nervous standing there in a crowed waiting for the winner to be announced. My heart was beating so fast that I had a hard time to take a deep breath. At some point I felt like I am about to pass out. I lost my speech for a moment. My mom came to cheer and support and I felt better to have her around and be proud of me. After a long deliberation the team of judges decided to announce the winner of the first place. I was holding my breath to hear the name of the winner. I was so disappointed when they called my name second.
But the same time relived that sleepless nights were over and I could go back to my normal routine and finish my graduation project. I was also glad I did participate in this competition because I really made some new ...