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Reflection of two Surveys

Reflection of Two Surveys


The assignment provides a detailed reflection of the two surveys that I participated in, at college. The first survey was about the registry office in my college the second survey gathered information about the go green movement and the environment. I shall be analysing my learning experience, the research methods used for both surveys, the linkage of survey methods with research methods and lastly, I shall be evaluating the style of both surveys through constructive criticism.


I shall be discussing the reflection of the two surveys, that is, the registry service quality- student survey and the go green movement and environment, by dividing the reflection into six components. Following are the six components of the reflection:

Learning Analysis

Registry Quality Review- Students Survey

My learning experience from the Registry Quality Review- Students Survey of DCU was a good one. It was less time consuming as it was comprised of close ended questions, which requires less writing efforts. DCU conducted the Registry Survey to assess the quality of the student registry services. The survey was concise, clear, frank, reflective and well structured. The survey was constantly reflecting the percentage of the completion in order to encourage the students to get to the end. The first part of the survey consisted of general information about me, that is, about my year and level of studies, the satisfaction level of my pre-enrolment information, the satisfaction level of Postgraduate online application process and the status of my enrolment. The second part of the survey gained my knowledge of the registry services available for information, registration, examinations, graduations and room bookings, and the frequency of my using the available services. Next, the survey gathered information about my level of satisfaction and ways of interaction for using registry services. Lastly, the survey received information about my expectations of the registry services. By doing this, I believe that the college can develop a plan for creating the awareness of its services, which are not known or not used by the students. I have also gained learning about the ways of interaction with registry, other than e-mail. I also learnt that displaying completion percentages at the top of some survey pages, kept me filling out the quality survey with more motivation towards reaching the end.

Go Green Movement and Environment Survey

My experience with the go green movement and environment survey, through survey software, at North-eastern University, was an informative experience as I did not have any previous knowledge of much of the questions on the survey form. The first section of the survey covered my association with the clubs inside campus and my knowledge of Sustainable DCU program, the participation of DCU and the contribution of DCU towards environment. The next section covered my nature of buying eco-friendly or environment friendly products and the factors influencing my decision. Further, the survey shed light on my environment friendly behaviours and increased my knowledge of the environment friendly behaviours that I may use for protecting the ...
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