Reflected Best-Self Feedback

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Reflected best-self feedback

Reflected best-self feedback

I approached and received feedbacks from the ten following people:

Male cousin. One of your greatest strength is calm behavior.

“Once we were travelling in a car when we met with an accident. We were all unhurt but the nature of the accident shocked us. The remainder of the journey we were all speculating what could have possibly gone wrong and how bad the situation could have been. You were the only one who was calming us down.

Female cousin. One of your greatest strength is intelligence.

“Back in school when we used to study together, I remember the difficult puzzles that we had to solve. You were always way head of us by being able to solve problems that no one could.

Ex-boy friend. One of your greatest strength is good socializing behavior.

“I still remember the teenage years when we used to go out. I was the shy one always afraid of introducing you to my friends, but you were different. You would always introduce me to your friends and also meet my friends in a very polite manner.

School friend and co-worker. One of your greatest strength is working hard.

“When we used to have loads of work, we would always be complaining of the hectic work that we were being made to do. I remember we used to try to make excuses and take offs or an early leave determined not to continue working when there was a lot of work. However, I never found you making excuses. You were always ready to continue working hard.”

Friend. One of your greatest strength is smile.

“I have always said that your smile is great. Not because a boy feels attracted towards it, but because it generates a positive and good mood in the person who sees it. It is a sort of social ...
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