Reengineering & Total Quality Management

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Reengineering & Total Quality Management


In this research we try to discover the insight of “Reengineering & Total Quality Management” in a holistic perspective. The key heart of the study is on “Reengineering & Total Quality Management” and its relation with “Reengineering & Total Quality Management”. The research also examines various characteristics of “Reengineering & Total Quality Management” and tries to measure its effect. Lastly the research illustrates a variety of factors which are responsible for “Reengineering & Total Quality Management” and tries to describe the overall effect of it.

Table of Contents




Principles of Total Quality Management5

Customer focus5


Employee Participation6

System Approach to Management7

Customer Satisfaction8

Continuous Improvement8



Reengineering & Total Quality Management


Quality is one of the most important aspects of any product or service in a business. The term' quality' has a pragmatic interpretation which might refer to the superiority or inferiority of an object or anything. This condition is, in total, perceptual, conditioned and is subjective regarding its interpretation and understanding by different people. There many are a special focus on the quality specification and the comparison of the particular product with its rivals in the marketplace. The concept of quality measures the conformance of the products to a certain degree of customer satisfaction and to their level of expectation (Benner, 2001).

There have been various definitions of this terminology created by the management experts and gurus regarding quality. This term constitutes many elements and requires them to meet the standards and expectations of the users. In order to main the dimensions of quality in a product or service, several departments such as maintaining quality assurance, quality control and other related factors have been created and managed in the organizations. Some of them prevent the defects from occurring to the products, while others detect and correct the defective quality of the products and make them come up to the expectations of the customers and provide them the utility (Buch, 2001).

The concept of TQM has been described as a management philosophy, a prototype, an uninterrupted betterment approach to practicing business concern by a new direction and a well formulated and sophisticated management model. The doctrine of TQM developed from the uninterrupted advancement philosophical system with the concentration on quality as the primary attribute of business. Under the TQM dimensions, emphasizing the quality of the product or service predominates. TQM expands beyond statistical process control to embrace a wider scope of management activities of how we manage people and organizations by focusing on the entire process, not just simple measurements (Ciulla, 2000).


Total quality management (TQM) was developed by management theorist W. Edwards Deming in the early 1950s. Deming sought to offer a new way for US manufacturers to improve the quality of their products by reducing defects through worker participation in the planning process. US manufacturers were slow to embrace the concept but Japanese manufacturers were quick to adopt the principles, particularly in streamlining the design of automobiles.

The concept of TQM has become a widely used phenomenon in the manufacturing and service industries all around ...
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