Reducing Work Place Stress in Deployed environment
Reducing Work Place Stress in Deployed environment
This paper will be discussing the solutions for reducing stress in the office as the Regional Command -East Combined Joint 8 (RC-E CJ8) is observing stress is increasing day by day. Many of the soldiers are not given an off day which is increasing the level of stress in their mind. They are not working efficiently as they were working before with motivation. A day off would allow team member a chance to recharge and recover, thus continuing performance at stress level.
Discussion Analysis
It is been noticed that the stress in the mind can lead towards Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. This disease is often seen in soldiers. As they are away from their home and family this makes them to lead towards PTSD. The RC-E CJ8 is also not providing them a week day off.
Facts about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
The majority of people experience a traumatic event in our culture, once in a lifetime. The risk for men is between 60 and 80% to 50-75% for women. In America, traffic accidents, violence and sexual assault experiences as well as the sudden death of a loved one are the most common traumatic experiences. However, only some of those people later in a post-traumatic stress disorder. The risk in the course of life at some point of suffering from post traumatic stress disorder in women is 10-12% to 5-6% in men (Joseph, Alzbeta, Vicki, Leah, 2008).
When people intentionally caused by a trauma, (sexual abuse, violence and war) often occur post-traumatic stress disorder and natural disasters, industrial disasters or accidents. Meanwhile, there are a number of studies on the therapeutic success in post-traumatic stress disorder. The psychotherapeutic treatment of patients with post-traumatic stress disorder in America, partly in the context of the victim assistance funded by the cantons (subsidiary to contributions from the insurance company) so as to violent offenses (e.g. assault, robbery), sexual offenses (e.g. rape, sexual assault), domestic violence or traffic accidents involving injury (Rubin, 2006).
The post-traumatic stress disorder, characterized by re-experiencing, avoidance and hyperarousal. Re-experiencing can manifest itself in various forms: repetitive, stressful memories (called intrusions or flashbacks), nightmare, feeling like return if the event would be intense, emotional reactions when remembered by some of the traumatic event. Avoid means that not concerned with feelings, thoughts and conversations that relate to the traumatic event involved, like. They also avoid places, people or activities that are associated with the event. So often avoid, for example, victims of auto accidents who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder to drive, or re-visiting the location where the accident happened. Overstimulation can be seen in sleep problems (difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep), irritability, anger, difficulty concentrating, excessive vigilance or exaggerated startle response.
O'Donnella, Elliotta, Laua and Creamera explained the symptoms of PSTD in their article. For an individual to meet criteria for PTSD according to DSM-IV criteria, he or she must experience at least one re-experiencing symptom, three or more avoidance or numbing symptoms, and two or more ...