Reducing Pharmaceutical Trafficking In Us

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Reducing pharmaceutical Trafficking In US

Reducing pharmaceutical Trafficking In US

Reducing Drug Trafficking In US


Drug Trafficking is the use or possession of controlled substances, or illegal drugs like cocaine, marijuana, or methamphetamines. It is also the use of a pharmaceutical for a reason other than that for which it is commonly prescribed or recommended. This includes prescription drug Trafficking, and the Trafficking of other substances to alter mood and perception like glue or gasoline fume sniffing. In order to effectively deter people from using and eventually abusing drugs, there have been many programs established to educate as well as rehabilitate and prevent drug Trafficking. These programs are available nationwide and are utilized by all types of government bureaus and public officials in an ongoing attempt to rid humanity of pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical associated crime.


There are many reasons for drug Trafficking, including escape from reality, search for awareness and mysticism, masking pain, blunting anxiety, fighting depression, escaping mental or physical deficits, lightening other burdens, or improving performance (Online, NIDA-Teens). Such drugs often require increasing dosage to obtain the same effect, leading to mental and physical dependence and possibly severe withdrawal symptoms with high risks (Rachlis B; Brouwer KC; Mills EJ; Hayes M; Kerr T; Hogg RS, 2007).

There is evidence of drug Trafficking dating back thousands of years. Narcotics can be traced back to 4000 B.C. and the medicinal use of marijuana has been antiquated to 2737 B.C. in China. In the late 1800's the first signs of the active compounds in pharmaceuticals being extracted was discovered. During this time these newly found out compounds like morphine, laudanum, and cocaine were absolutely unregulated and prescribed freely by physicians for a broad kind of ailments. These substances were available in patent medicines and traded by street vendors, pharmaceutical shop proprietors, or by mail. During the American Civil War, morphine was prescribed all the time and numerous veterans became addicted. Research shows that by the early 1900s there were an estimated 250,000 addicts in the United States (Paoli L; Rabkov I; Greenfield VA; Reuter P. Tajikistan, 2007).

A legal measure against drug Trafficking was first established in 1875 with the outlawing of Opium dens in San Francisco. In 1906, the untainted Food and pharmaceutical proceed was passed as the first nationwide drug law. It needed unquestionable labeling of patent medicines encompassing opium and certain other drugs. In 1914, the Harrison Narcotics proceed was passed. It was the first government regulation to regulate the use and sale of narcotics. It was intended as an opium-marketing tool and levy revenue bill. It was enforced by the Treasury Department and was not a matter of public wellbeing or crime. Opium use was not considered a problem to society, but an untapped source of revenue (Ohlund LS; Gronbladh L, 2009).

The most important current drug law in the United States is the federal Comprehensive Drug Trafficking Prevention and Control Act of 1970, commonly known as the CSA, or "Controlled Substances Act" (Nature and Effectiveness of Drug ...
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