Red Dawn was produced in 1984, directed by John Milius and written by Kevin Reynolds and Milius. The movie is based on War, and was the first one to be rated PG 13 by MPAA. The movie deals with the period of 1980, and depicts a situation in which the United States is invaded by the Soviet Union (accompanied by its Latin American allies, especially Cuba and Nicaragua). The movie also hints about the onset of World War III, but the depiction is all blurred and not clearly presented. The main characters of the movie are high school students, who are resisting the occupation of guerilla warfare and name themselves Wolverines. The term Wolverines is derived from their high school mascot and is adopted to give a name to their struggle.
Summary of the movie:
The movie is set at an indiscriminate point in time, when the United States is invaded by the Russian and Cuban forces, who gradually manage to take hold of all the major cities and areas. The invasions are ultimately halted by a group of teenagers, who, after suffering at the hand of invaders, escape and plan counterattack. The invading forces succeed in eliminating all the United States forces, but fail at the hand of these teenagers because of their unique ideas and outstanding plans. The teens are also betrayed by one of their own friends while planning resistance, and also suffer loss of life of a few, but eventually succeed in getting rid of the invaders and getting the integrity of their homeland back.
Plot and depiction of the 80's style in the movie:
The plot of the movie deals with the war strategies of the United States, and highlights the factors that resulted in isolation of United States from the rest of the European Union. The isolation became obvious when all the European Nations, except United Kingdom, surrendered their membership of NATO, while the Warsaw Pact also started expanding its sphere of influence at the same time. Even that was not enough, and a communist coup occurred in Mexico following the Wheat Harvest fail in Ukraine.
The students are triggered to take action when on a September morning, their teacher pauses in the middle of a sentence upon watching a group of paratroopers landing in a nearby field. The paratroopers (Russian Airborne Troops) immediately open fire at the teacher when he tries to protest and also do the same with the students. As a result, a complete chaos is created at the school, with students running for their lives while the foreign enemies open fire at them. The scene is created in Colorado, while, in Calumet, Cuban troops combined with Russian counterparts are busy imposing orders after occupying the area.
While all the chaos is going on, and the cities are trying to adjust to the new found the situation, a group of high school students flee to wilderness after equipping themselves with guns, which they take from a sports store that belongs to one of the ...