Waste management is efforts in the collection, transport, recovery and disposal of waste, as well as supervision of the disposal sites.
Principles of management:
Necessary to prevent waste,
Limit the amount of waste,
Reduce the negative impact of waste on the environment,
Provided consistent with the principles of environmental recovery,
Ensure conformity with the principles of environmental protection disposal of waste, which could not be recovered.
Both Germany and USA have enacted waste management policies in order to create a healthier and greener Earth for their children and their children's children. Germany employs a policy which is called 'the polluter pays', which states that the waste is mostly created by the industries or manufacturers so they should pay for it, while on the other hand America is using the policy 'consumer pays' for its waste management, in which waste management is funded by taxpaying citizens.
According to the Earth 911.com, the organization which is evaluating all the waste management and green policies all over the world, German has become the world leading Recycling country who is as of 2007, recycling over 70% of the waste it produces. On the other hand United States of America has been seen to only evaluate around 33% of its total waste. Both countries aim for the same goal, i.e. to be completely efficient and produce 0% unrecyclable waste but apply different policies and procedures to go about accomplishing this goal. The policies and measures of both countries are mentioned below.
American Waste Management Policies
The American Waste Management Policy is centered towards the Doctrine that the consumer pays for the trash. By implementing a series of charges on the waste items for the consumers, it ensure the correct disposal of the goods and also a funds the organizations who are responsible for the final elimination of the waste products.
Deposit Refund
The Deposit Refund system or called locally the bottle bills have the dual perspective of working like a tax or penalty on the litter bug who doesn't dispose of the beverage containers in the proper way or it can also work as a subsidy for the organizations who make it their job to properly recycle these containers.
It works in a very simple fashion. Any retailer, shopkeeper or vendor purchases the beverage goods from any distributor of the commodity. The retailer is supposed to pay deposit for all the containers of beverage it is purchasing from the distributor. The retailer adds the value of the deposit in the price of the beverage goods, thereby effectively moving the cost of the deposit money on the consumers' shoulder. When the consumer properly disposes of his purchased beverage container at a redemption centre or a retail centre, he is refunded his money back. The retailer also recovers his deposit money from the distributor. This system works like an incentive based system which serves to reward the consumers for correctly disposing of the waste generated through the purchase of the beverage. It is also responsible for creating a private funded system for handling wastes.