Recruitment And Selection

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Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and Selection

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Different Types of Recruitment Methods

There are different methods and techniques used by the companies in order to perform their recruitment functions. The main methods of recruitment are:

External recruitment: This method is useful for selecting the different people from the outside world to the organisation. There are different advantages of this method for companies, as this method helps in bringing the imaginative ideas to the company through different people. In such method, the company has the availability of a larger number of candidates through which it can easily make the selection of the best employee. This process has also some disadvantages; for example, it is a lengthy procedure, and cost and time consuming.

Internal recruitment: It is another procedure which the company's can adopt for their recruitment process (Allen, 2004, p. 13). Through this method, companies can hire the staff from their own firm. This method is both cost and time saving method. It is advantageous because the management is already aware of the employee's abilities and talents. It is advantageous for the employees because they get the opportunities to get promoted within the firm. Through this method, company also saves its time of training the recruited person, because he already knows the company's values and policies. There are also some disadvantages of internal recruitment, as it limits the number of applicants. It also limits the new ideas which can get emergence from the outside business (Fame, 2010, p. 30).

Job Centres: The companies also perform their recruitment procedure through the job centres. These are the government bodies and help companies in recruiting the best candidates. Companies make payments to such job centres as a fee, and these bodies help the company in fulfilling their recruitment needs.

Job Advertisements: This is the most common method adopted by companies in order to perform their recruitment functions. This is a costly procedure of recruitment, but it helps the company in brining a pool of the desired candidates.

Recruitment Agency: In order to perform its recruitment functions, companies also take help of the recruitment agencies. These recruitment agencies give the company a complete detail of the suitable candidates for the desired jobs. These agencies are also known as head hunters. Companies provide them fee as a return of their services. This is a costly method, but it saves the time of the company.

E-Recruitment: It is another latest technique adopted by the companies in order to perform its recruitment functions. Through this recruitment method, companies conduct the recruitment process on the internet. This is a time saving procedure and does not involve much cost too.

Internet recruitment, informal approaches, education liaison, legal and ethical consideration

Internet recruitment is the process through which companies hire the employees through the internet. Internet recruitment is an effective process of recruitment. Through this process, companies place their advertisements for recruitment on the internet, and perform all the functions of the recruitment process through internet (Evans, 2002, p. 150). This is an effective process and is very time ...
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