Recruitment And Selection

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RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and Selection

Selection and Recruitment

Selection of personnel is the process of studying the psychological and professional qualities of the worker to establish his fitness to serve on a particular job or position and the selection of a set of applicants most suitable to meet its compliance training, specialty, personal characteristics and abilities nature of the interests of the organization and him.

The process of staff selection is carried out in several stages. The main ones are

Preliminary Selection conversation;

completed application and questionnaire;

interview with the hiring manager;


checking references and track record;

Medical examination.

Based on the results line managers (in small and medium-sized organizations), or the hiring manager (a major) makes the final decision on hiring (Gelding, 2010, 22). In selecting cadres adopted the following principles:

- Focus on strengths rather than weaknesses of the human and the search is not ideal candidates, which do not exist, and the most suitable for the position.

- Refusal to admit new employees, regardless of qualifications and personal qualities, if you need them not;

- Ensuring the compliance of individual qualities of the applicant requirements of the content of work (education, experience, expertise, and in some cases, sex, age, health, psychological state);

- Focus on the most qualified (a good specialist, no matter how much he paid, always cheaper than bad), but no more skill than is required by the workplace (Storey, 2007, 99.

Selection criteria should not be too much, otherwise it will be difficult. The main one is: education experience, business acumen, professionalism, physical characteristics, personality type of the candidate's potential.

One of the directions of the service personnel management is hiring new employees. Its main objective is to meet the needs of firms in personnel.

Recruitment - a series of actions designed to attract candidates who possess the qualities necessary to achieve the goals of the organization.

It is a complex institutional arrangement, including all stages of recruitment, and assessment, personnel selection and reception staff at work. Some experts in the field of personnel management consider this process until the end stage of induction, i.e., until the moment when the new staff is limited to fit into a specific work team and the organization as a whole (Pause, 2009, 113).

Anyone can sooner or later change their job. The reasons for this can be very different, but when hiring in a market economy you have to compete and for the workplace. There are general rules, which are best to adhere to, if you expect to succeed. Apart from the purely practical purpose - ahead of competitors, competing for the same job, knowing these rules can not just be useful to you in life, and in many situations - from exams to understanding the psychology of their subordinates. Mastering these skills will allow you to also better to negotiate with a joint venture or working on a joint project with a foreign partner, the use of cultural factors in ...
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