Recreational Drug Use

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Recreational Drug Use

Recreational Drug Use


Drug use or abuse is one of major concerns prevailing in the English society. The increasing number of youths addicted to drug use is surely an alarming sign, and the issue needs to be addressed properly. Moreover, there is an increased trend of recreational drug usage by the young people, as they take does not take drugs regularly, but take it on recreation purposes when going out with friends. Drug is not good for health even if it is not taken regularly. Hence, there are a number of drug intervention programs in place, but they have failed to produce any substantial results depicting any decrease in the drug using trends among the adolescents.

Recreational Drug Usage in Adolescents

According to the definition proposed by the Center of Substance Abuse Treatment, adolescence as a period when an individual experiences vivid growth in his or her physical body size, social thoughts, and emotions. This is a time when individuals seem to feel themselves independent enough to take their own decisions. Individuals between the age group of 13-27 years are categorized as adolescents.

Factors influencing Recreational Drug Usage

Individuals, who belong to the families, living below the poverty line, are most likely to get addicted to drug use. British adolescents tend to use more drugs as compared to any other group. An interesting fact remains that the percentage of drug use among African American adolescents was low as compared to the adults of the same group.

Moreover, the increase in the rate of school and college dropouts in yet another concern, highlighting the ineffectiveness system and more so the future prospects of individuals leaving out. Dropped out adolescents were found to be indulging themselves in drug abuse at an early age (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1988).

For illegal drugs, the patterns are drastically different. Apart from Asians, Africans are not involved in illegal drug use. During the time period, almost one year, there has been a decreasing trend observed in the usage of drugs among all the major groups, except the Whites and Africans (Hadley J, Smith G, 2003).

Types of drugs used among adolescents

Alcohol, cannabis, methamphetamine, and marijuana are some of the drugs, most commonly used among adolescents, irrespective of their social status and ethnic background.

Effects of Recreational Drug Abuse

In a habitual dose of drug between 60 and 120 mg, the effects occur between half and one hour after ingestion of somewhat abrupt ("high"), accompanying himself on occasions unpleasant symptoms (dizziness, shortness of breath or nausea), that are more common when food has been ingested.

"Ecstasy" induces an altered state of consciousness easily controllable emotional and sensual overtones. This explains its popularity as a recreational drug, as distinct from substances that can induce profoundly altering experiences of mind or others with an effect essentially stimulant (methamphetamine). Due to the unique characteristics of altered state of consciousness, different from that produced by amphetamines or ...
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