Recreation And Leisure Activities

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Recreation and Leisure Activities

Recreation and Leisure Activities


Recreation and leisure activities are a natural extension of our core services. In today's society, primarily consumer-oriented and work, health issues are in the process of getting out of control if we rely on the latest data. Thus, the recreational associations existed long before the state takes care of leisure and free time. They originate from a spontaneous sharing of passions people, often volunteers, organize, share knowledge and make available high quality activities.

The strategy of improving health is concerned with all the determinants of health in the light of the entire population, while the traditional approach focuses on risk factors and clinical features specific to various diseases while dealing only a person at a time (Rachel, 2011).

Discussion and Analysis

During the normal life of people engaged in many daily activities: professional activities, household chores, socializing with people, sleep, rest and leisure. Leisure implies an occupation, which give a person a feeling of pleasure, elation and joy. Leisure is necessary for people to relax, relieve stress, to feel the physical and psychological satisfaction, share their interests with friends and family, to establish social contacts and gain self-expression and artistic activities.


Personal interview

Interview conducted with Bort. Mathews. Haul (University Of Waterloo), showed how important id the leisure activities for every age group. As according to him young people have few means of knowing what is available to them in terms of leisure. The school, their environment first, does not fulfill this function. In addition, it was precisely expressly during the school that an intervention medium to long term can have an impact on youth behavior.

Another perception regarding recreational activity is highlighted thorough an interview with Daniel. D. Macline, as recreational activities are techniques that are not geared towards a specific goal and that exert their effect in a permanent and indirect. Such activities include music, games, attractions and more. Where groups can choose to act with its main objectives put in the field of recreation. It is a fact that recreational activities can increase the creativity of the group, as long as they are chosen according to the interests and abilities of participants.

The Leisure and Recreation Activities

Leisure and recreation can include the following activities:

various sports or physical activity (the role of spectator, participant, coach or any other organizational activities);

art activity (painting, drawing, creative writing);

crafts (embroidery, knitting, weaving various articles, and ...
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