Recidivism Among Participants In U.S. Juvenile Boot Camps

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Recidivism among participants in U.S. juvenile boot camps

Recidivism among participants in U.S. juvenile boot camps


The juvenile crime has been increasing in US due to various factors. According to the research, one of the factors is found out to be the presence of juvenile boot camps. The juveniles are treated there in such a way that they become recidivists. There are various studies done to control such crimes in US but till yet the government of US remains quite unsuccessful. In this particular study it has been planned to point out the major factors through statistical analysis to give scientific proofs and way out of this increasing crime. There are various variables used in which the study and the importance of including those variables have also been discussed below to analyze their critical relations with the study (Francis, 2005).

Variables used in the study

Juvenile crime

This variable is included in the analysis as a dependent variable i.e. results and changing in other factors results in increase or decrease in the juvenile crime. Being normal human beings, crime is not in the human nature. In fact, there are some circumstances created for any human being either juvenile or adult, which force him to commit crime (Michael, 2011). The values taken in this study are taken from the juvenile case studies of U.S. and its units are juvenile crime per hundred thousand inhabitants. The variable includes various crimes including murder, robbery, burglary and larceny etc. The variable will be given the name CRIMES.

PCI (Per capita income)

The variable is included in the study due to its significance in increasing crimes. The recent researches have proved that crimes done by whether juveniles or adults, have at least some relation with their personal income. People with high income are found to be less involved in such crimes. Though juveniles are less involved in the income of a household but their family background also force them to commit such crimes. The unit used in the study is per capita income for each state of US (Lyman & Longnecker, 2010).


The children which are dropped out from their high schools in early ages have also been found to the victims of juvenile recidivists in US boot camps. In the beginning, juveniles are dropped out from the schools, which make them sensitive and then the pressure and behavior at the boot camps makes them frustrated which are the causes of increase in juvenile crimes. The unit used in this study is the high school dropout rate in percentage (Francis, 2005).

AJA (Average juvenile age)

The ages of juveniles are also important that help to understand, that juvenile age group is considered very critical so the further can be done to control such crimes. The juveniles are involved in all types of serious crimes. So, their age is certainly a good variable to include in the study. The unit or scales which will be used in the study will be between 11-17 years (John, Deborah, Sarah, ...
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