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Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT)

Behavioral Therapy


Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) views human beings as "responsible hedonism in the sense that they strive to stay alive and to achieve some measure of happiness. However, it also holds that human beings are prone to adopting irrational beliefs and behaviors that stand in the way of achieving its goals and purposes. Often, these irrational attitudes or philosophies take the form of extreme or dogmatic 'musts', 'should' or 'oughts', they contrast with rational and flexible desires, wishes, preferences and desires(Wessler 2006). The presence of extreme philosophies can make all the difference between healthy negative emotions (like sadness or regret or concern) and unhealthy negative emotions (like depression or guilt or anxiety). For example, the philosophy of a person after experiencing a loss can take the form: "It is unfortunate that this loss has occurred, although there is no real reason why he should not have happened. It is sad that has happened, but it is horrible, and I can continue working," Another may take the form ". This in no way should have happened, and it is horrible that it did. These circumstances are intolerable, and can not continue working(Walen 2006). "The answer to the first person is apt to lead to sadness, while the second person may be fine its way to depression. The most important of all, REBT argues that individuals have within their power to change their beliefs and philosophies deeply, and thus to radically change their psychological health.

REBT uses the "ABC framework '- represented in the figure below - to clarify the relationship between the activation of events (A); our beliefs about them (B), and cognitive consequences, emotional or behavior of our beliefs (C). The ABC model is also used in some versions of cognitive therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy, which applies also to clarify the role of mental activities or predispositions in mediating between the experiences and emotional responses(Dryden 2003).

past history and current living conditions greatly affect the person, but they do not, in themselves, to disturb the person, but that is the response of the person who is bothering them, and is more a matter of choice if current individual philosophies (B), causing damage. Changing philosophies in (B) requires persistence and hard work, but can be done.

The therapeutic approach Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

The main goal of REBT is to help customers to replace absolutist philosophies, full of "musts" and "duties" with more flexible, part of which includes learning to accept that all human beings (including themselves) are fallible and learning to increase their tolerance for frustration, while the goal of achieving their objectives(Dryden & Golden 2005 ). Although emphasis on such "basic conditions" as the person-centered counseling - that is, empathy, unconditional positive regard, and authenticity counselor - in the counseling relationship, TREC believes these conditions is neither necessary nor sufficient for therapeutic change to occur.

The basic process of change that seeks to promote REBT begins with the client recognizes the existence of ...
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