The challenge for social science is to recognize the different rationales that stress the urban scene, arriving at the space potentially antagonistic readings inherited. Such recognition implies identifying the interests and cultural values underlying these readings and mapping of the actors, responsible for designing projects for urban development, power in the political arenas where public investments are clear and urban development. This paper aims to identify whether social justice also converts for citizen participation under the continuous urbanization. Moreover, the discussion will also consider if a modernize city creates a better city for users, or if it creates a better life for people.
Literature Review 01
Transformation of fast Urbanization
Discussion & Analyses
Resistance to urban interventions based only on discreet logic expresses the importance of cultural values and social bonds registered in the history of places. A renewed history feeding struggles against social and shortages. These struggles bring original meaning to the urban experience, such as the symbolic recreation of the protest and the emergence of forms of cooperation and solidarity. Systematicity is another which is under development, bringing memories, imaginations, experiences, and finally alternative rationalities.
Marx attributed to the operation of city campaigns while recognizing the urban bourgeoisie to the merit of having broken the bonds of obedience to the noble. And just visit a center to see many beggars (Cuffney, Kashuba, Qian, Alameddine, Cha, Lee, Coles & McMahon, 2011). For many naturalists and environmentalists, the city is the predominant pollutant, as is Babylon the proper sinner. These are the strands of a common opinion that contradicts facts and reflection. To correct a spontaneous vision of what a city of justice, try to check the meanings.
The urban world at the dawn of the 21st century has assumed particular importance for two principal reasons. First, the world's population has recently crossed the threshold from being more rural to being more urban. In absolute terms and according to UN estimates, this means that of the world's population of approximately 6.8 billion, approximately 3.5 billion people (or 51%) are living in urban settings. To put this notion in historical context, consider that 58 yrs. (years) earlier only 29% of the world population lived in cities.
The projection for 2050 is 70%. Second, a dramatic change in the urban hierarchy is taking place as the mighty cities—variously termed global cities, world cities, megacities, and so on—are beginning to dominate the urban landscape. This entry first reviews the historical development of the urban world, from the earliest settlements in Mesopotamia to the present, and the types of explanations researchers have used to describe this process. Problems in measuring the degree of urbanization then discussed, including the concept of urban degree (the level of a country's urban concentration, expressed in percentage at a point of time) (Charles 2005, 80). Although urbanization is occurring around the globe, there are significant differences in this process; some of the global trends noted here. The entry concludes with a look at the future of ...