Raising The Driving Age To 18 In The Us

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Raising The Driving Age To 18 In The US

Raising the driving age to eighteen in United States of America is a positive move. Many researches have shown that many drivers of sixteen years are more likely to comply with traffic accidents. Another reason is their lack of maturity to decide about life threatening situations. A third reason to reduce the number of deaths sixteen years old car. On the other hand, opponents of raising the driving age argue that the maturity and lack of experience is not the main cause of accidents sixteen.

Driving should be done with great responsibility, not only for teens but also for others in the car with them, as well as others on the road. Many teens do not realize that even if the parents would feel better if you can travel with their children to them in doing so gain time dog experience and confidence to continue. What makes it compulsory for children to driving courses in high school, and ready to drive! One way to do this is part of the curriculum in high school, it would be for them and their parents, experience and determination to get the education they need (Levy, 327). Increase driving age to 18 is an interesting idea and will help reduce the number of road deaths across the country, as this age group is one of the high mortality of the road statistics. However, in order to take advantage of driver education offered at the secondary level, under the supervision of driving is likely to remain for those who are under 18 years. When a young man reaches the age of 18, he or she often leaves the house.

This is alarming considering that nearly half of all 16 year olds have a driver's license. The age at which a teen can get a permit should not be raised but the time period for which the teen must have the permit before they can receive their license should be raised to at least a year to a year and a half. They have no transportation, and even if the parents are willing to chauffeur their teens around, they cannot do it until they get home from work. On top of not enough experience, some 16-year-olds are still too immature to handle the responsibility of driving. Young teen drivers of age around sixteen tend to be independent and parents are relieved of the burden of driving their kids to everywhere, but inexperienced drivers should be kept off the road until they are better prepared drive safe and secure.

Drinking and driving goes hand and hand with immaturity and lack of good judgment. This proves that they are not paying attention to what is going on around them on the road, but rather what is going on inside the car. This is surprisingly high considering the fact that they are not even old enough to consume alcohol. If teens had to hold a learner's permit for a year and a half instead of ...
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