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Racism In Post Compulsory Education

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Racism in Post Compulsory Education




Background of the Study1

Post Compulsory Education2


Purpose of the Study2

Problem Statement3

Rationale of the Study3

Aims and Objectives4

Theoretical Framework4

Research Questions5

Ethical Concerns5



Background of the Study

In the past thirty years, I have become increasingly aware of the subordination of people of colour within higher education and more recently within adult education. While working as a student advocate for student affairs over 20 years; teaching in an adult education program; and attending adult education conferences, I have witnessed or been a confidant regarding specific examples of racism. Although racism was not directly mentioned, people of white European descent were privileged and unprepared to hire or work effectively with people of colour (Healey, 2010, p.66).

People these days migrate to different countries and belong to different race or colour which has an impact on the attitude and behaviour that they are facing from people in their surroundings. Most of the time when such a situation arises, the children of these people when studying in secondary schools especially for post compulsory education in United kingdom , they have to face discrimination based on their race and colour as well. In such situations the students are sometimes separated from the nationals in the same secondary school. This also has a negative impact on the student when faced such a situation also gets de-motivated and it also affects his studies, his intake in the studies, performance in the studies and the confidence of the student is shattered as well (Cose , 2011, p.80).

Post Compulsory Education

It is the term which is used to represent further education in the United Kingdom and Ireland. It is the education which is received in addition to secondary education that differs from the education provided in secondary schools. The level of post compulsory education can be any level higher than compulsory education, initiating from basic level training to diploma or Degree. Education and training post-compulsory are now essential for employment in a highly competitive labour market. While this is true for the disabled as for non-disabled, the former remain under-represented in post-compulsory education and the labour market (Chirjevskis and Ludviga, 2009, p.46).


Racism is the pervasive and systematic exercise of real power that subordinates persons or groups because of their colour; it includes any attitude, action, or institutional structure or social policy. Colin and Preciphs' (1991) definition was similar when they indicated racism is “conscious or unconscious, and expressed in actions or attitudes initiated by individuals, groups, or institutions that treat human beings unjustly because of their skin pigmentation. Therefore, racism is expressed in attitudes, behaviours, and institutions (p. 62). Race is commonly referred to as a social or cultural construction; racism involves subordination of one group by another.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this research is to find out the racism in post compulsory education in UK. The study focuses on to determine the root cause of racism prevailing in the post compulsory education and the problems faced by students in context to ...
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