Racial Profiling - A Form Of Oppression And Institutional Racism

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Racial profiling - A form of Oppression and Institutional Racism


Many non-white American nationals have become a victim of racial profiling in the past and there is a very high probability of emerging as a victim for them currently and in the future. Racial profiling not only targets innocent people on the basis of race, it also creates a feeling of fear among them. This research paper aims to examine how racial profiling is a form of injustice and oppression and how it disobeys the civil laws. The paper also provides some recent facts and figures about the issue. The issue is considered to be one of the most important talking points in recent times because its victims are increasing at a high rate.

Table of Contents




Criticism against Racial Profiling2

A form of oppression3

A form of institutional racism3


Racial profiling - A form of oppression and institutional racism


Racial profiling is a form of racism which is a police initiated act that started to rise since last two decades in the United States. It involves the utilization of race and origin of an individual as the main cause for making the enforcement. It has become a major concern in the recent past because the majority of people think that it violates civil rights by targeting the minorities for irrelevant reasons. Not only does it involve the minorities, but it dismantles many national laws. Many efforts of scrutinizing and terminating racial profiling activities of law enforcement authorities have resulted unfruitful due to the support of higher authorities in the issue. As a result, racial profiling has caused law enforcement authorities to lose their trust and integrity among the minorities living in the country. Actually, the act of racial profiling affects not only the main victims, but it also affects other people related to that color of different financial standing.


Racial profiling has become a norm of life for the minorities living in the United States. While, people talk about the issue frequently, there is less to be said about the root causes of this act. The exercise of racial profiling actually runs because the law enforcement authorities have failed to produce successful policies for the war against drugs and the war against terrorism. A well known civil liberties' organization “American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)” supports the argument that racial profiling is a form of oppression and is taking various positive measures in stopping this crime.

Criticism against Racial ...
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