Racial Profiling

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Racial Profiling

Racial Profiling


Up until 1940, America was a segregated society, meaning the different races were to be separated in every day life. Even up till now America has been a centre of racism. Although whites were dominant in America, black people immigrated to America by choice, to escape famine, trying to find a new way of life, or came as slaves. They lived in rural poverty in the south, and their vote was discounted. They were not allowed to sit next to whites, drink out of the same fountains, live by, play with, or compete with whites, nor were they allowed socialize at night clubs. This seemed like no way to live a life, so they finally spoke up for some support on preventing discrimination and the Civil Rights Movement was born.

Now, although the schools were slowly starting to merge into multicultural communities, African-Americans were behind. To this day, white people likely to graduate with four years of high school, are more than 70% more likely than black people, and it is the same for four years of college. But, it is getting much better these days. African Americans were more than ten times as likely to have completed four years of high school in 2002, as they were in 1940. Even today, there is racism though, even if it is not intentional.

We all know race is present in our lives, even today, and as some people might see or feel it on an every day basis, it is harder for others to recognize sometimes. Some people might have a racist attitude, but hide it under politeness. It has been proven that in most countries, racism is found in the majority of the population. (Takaki, 1993)

History of Racism in America

The era of civil rights movement mainly started in the 1960s. Martin Luther King's powerful “I Have a Dream” speech at the March on Washington in 1963 is what I believe too be one of the greatest speeches of all time, and one of the greatest advances for African American people. While this peaceful act was taking place, the Birmingham Police Commissioner made a bold decision and used powerful fire hoses and released police dogs to attack black civil rights activists. Although the civil rights activists made great pushes towards freedom, the greatest problem which remains in our great nation is that of Racism and/or Racial Profiling.

Over the years, racism has been a growing problem in all parts of the United States. Back in the 60s there were such problems as segregated schools, which meant only kids of certain color could attend a certain school. Also blacks had to drink from different bubblers and white kids did in some public places. There were many things and rules that were terribly wrong at this time. The most current problem in today's society is that which is called Racial Profiling. Racial Profiling is the discriminatory practice by police of treating blackness as an indication of possible ...
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