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Racial Passing

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Racial Passing


Racial passing refers to a member of a racial group choosing to identify with a different race than that by which one party could be classified. The term was used particularly in the United States to describe a person of mixed race heritage assimilating to the white majority. Here in this paper, we are going to argue against statement given by William Pickens's. the statement says that, “If passing for white will get fellow better accommodations on the train, better seats in the theatre, immunity from insults in public places, and may even save his life from a mob, only idiots would fail to seize the advantage of passing, at least occasionally if not permanently (David, 555).

Racial identity in America and the idea of "passing" has always fascinated many people. I disagree with the statement given by William Pickens because white-passing people of color, they have their own set of struggles. I agree that, white people get bit better accommodations than black, but that does not mean they should go for passing. There are few people who practice racial passing occasionally, but it is not good it is not that people who do not practice racial passing is an idiot and will not get accommodated accordingly. There is no guarantee that if passing for white will get a person better seats in theatre, immunity from insult in public. People can have better accommodations when spend money (David, 7). We do not deny that whites keep black down but passing white is never a good solution because whites are Europeans and they are the most welcoming people. Racial passing is self hate and internalized racism. You detest being Black to the extent that you will try to pass as another race to reach some promised land. Back in the day ...
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