In this study the analysis strives to explore the concept of racial discrimination in schools of the United States. The main focus of the research is on history of black education and its correlation with the racial discrimination in the U.S schools. The research also analyzes many aspects through which the non U.S citizen are discriminated in the schools of the United States; moreover, the study explores the home schooling movement of African-Americans in the United States as an agitation to the racial discrimination. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for racial discrimination in the U.S schools and describes the scenario of racial segregation in the U.S schools in order to present the scenario effectively.
Table of Contents
History of Black Education5
Racial Discrimination in the U.S Schools6
The African-American Home Schooling Movement in the U.S9
Racial Discrimination in U.S. Schools
The purpose of this paper is to enlighten and explore racial discrimination in the schools of the United States. The paper explores diverse dimensions regarding the racial discrimination issues in history; in addition, the analysis focus on the schools of the United States and the discriminative practices that regulate the educational system of U.S. The schools of the United States have a wide variety of racial and ethnic groups; moreover, according to diverse sources, the students with foreign ethnicity are often one of the brilliant students of the school. In the United States, the African-Americans have worked hard to achieve the basic necessities of life; however, most of the African-American children face discrimination during their academic career. Nevertheless, the discrimination faced by children with foreign ethnicity or race is not restricted to their academic career as their professional career is influenced by the same issue.
Moreover, the immigrant students are more often more interested in education as compared to the basic residents of the United States. According to diverse sources, the foreign students are brilliant in studies as they know what their parents have sacrificed so that they can achieve higher education. Most of these children are deprived of the basic necessities of life; hence, they put it their utmost efforts to grasp academic success in order to be flourish their professional career. Nevertheless, the racial discrimination is commonly observed phenomenon in the schools of the United States. The students are usually exploited in terms of their color, race and ethnicity. Hence, some students turn rebellious and quit their academic studies as cannot cope with the embracement encountered by them. Racial discrimination is the serious concern for the government of the United States and the education system operating in the country; hence, there are several policies constructed to cope with the scenario.
History of Black Education
Restricting the black education was used as a method to suppress the black group of people and to curb the fear of slave rebellions, ever since the days of slavery. This denial just exaggerated Black people's desire for getting education. After liberation, black education was referred to poor funding segregated ...