Race Relation

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Race Relation

Race Relation between Brazil and USA

Throughout the history of Brazil, discrimination, racism and prejudice have always been part of everyday life of people of African descent, reflecting even more on women, men and children prodigiously socially and economically underprivileged, a situation that, given more than 500 years of existence, little has changed. In 1854, Decree No 1331 legitimized the non-admission of slaves in public schools, later, in 1878 the decree No. 7031-A determined that blacks could only study the night and yet, several mechanisms have been developed in order to hinder such an opportunity education, if we may call chance. It was established, since an ethnic and racial divide that has taken root in the school systems and then dissipated to the entire Brazilian society. Many years later seeks to change this picture, from the same vehicle-Education, but unfortunately, it is said that the process of disqualification of a system so entrenched prejudices and armed on the sleepers of segregation will be a tough fight long and painful .

Historically the disqualification of a statement in favor of another was present in the ethnic-racial relations. In the fifteenth-century Europe, the domination of Africans was justified by the guilt of original sin of the descendants of Ham Not surprisingly, Borges (2002) also states that, by the Portuguese ideologue infected races (Indians, blacks, Jews and Moors) the history of colonization of Brazil is marked by the difference between men since the beginning shaped by racist ideas of superiority and inferiority (Freyre, 1966).

Pedagogies to combat racism and discrimination should be developed with the aim of strengthening and awakening among blacks from whites to black consciousness. For Borges (2002), the very notion of identity of a culture is through awareness of their differences in relation to other cultures, without, therefore, is to create value judgments that disqualify one over another.

Ironically, blacks appeared in the U.S. before the Anglo-Saxons. The actual founding of the United States is now considered the Pilgrims arrived in 1620 on the ship Mayflower out of Britain in North America. However, black slaves were brought from Africa to the Spanish colonies, located on the territory of the modern United States, one year before the legendary pilgrims.

Blacks now make up about 12% of the U.S. population, whites - 69% (data U.S. Census Bureau \ US Census Bureau, 2000). However, the imbalance between black and white citizens of the United States ...
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