The company that is being analyzed for the purpose of research is Kelvin Klein, which is a New York based company. The company is involved in the manufacturing of cotton shirts manufacturing and is involved in the manufacturing of a large number of products. Phillips-Van Heusen (PVH) is the person who owns this brand, yet it was founded by Kelvin Klein; a well renowned fashion designer (Rozhon, 2002).
PVH is the company responsible for promoting Kelvin Klein throughout the globe. This is where the concept of extended enterprise supply chain management holds immense importance for the global success of Kelvin Klein. We will be analyzing the cotton industry and evaluating its performance. Cotton is a staple food in US and cotton wear traditionally have been very popular with US Citizens (Fit Custom Shirts, 2011).
New York is well renowned for its contribution for promoting fashion worldwide (Brooks, 2007). Cotton based manufacturing of clothes have gone through a lot. In the 1950s and 1960s US and European countries dominated the cotton manufacturing, followed by Taiwan, Honk Kong in 1970s and 1980s and then in 1990s by countries such as India, Malaysia etc (Lezama et al., 2005). Countries such as Bangladesh have emerged as great producer's cotton based products in 2000. (Lezama et al., 2005).
With economic booms rent cost as a proportion of total cost for cotton manufacturing firms have increased significantly which is causing severe headaches for manufacturing firms (Burns et al., 2011). With rising labor and land cost, firms are looking for cost effective measures of production. Add to this the complexity of zoning laws of the government has severely hampered the profitability of garment manufacturers (Burns et al., 2011). With such stringent laws large scale manufacturers are finding it hard to maintain their high profitability and are thus facing closures (Brooks, 2007).
Cotton Supply Chain
Cotton is obtained from the various cotton farms, and then through the process of ginning, cotton is removed from the cotton buds. Then the cotton goes into the spinning process for producing cotton yarn. The cotton then goes into the textile mills where it is converted into apparel form. After this process manufacturing of clothes is done. The ready garments are then sent to the distribution centre, it then reaches the retailers, and then finally it reaches to the customers (Candland, 2010).
Garment Industry
The contribution of Garments industry to US economy has declined drastically. In 1950 it ...