Questions To Be Answered

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Questions to be answered

Article Summary


Search the literature for an article of interest. Summarize the article, discuss any ethical problems that might arise from the research and suggests possible solutions.

Article Selected

Frisque, D. Kolb, J. (2008), “The Effects of an Ethics Training Program on Attitude, Knowledge, and Transfer of Training of Office Professionals: A Treatment- and Control-Group Design”, Human resource development quarterly, Vol. 19 (1), pp. 35-53

Effects of ethics training on the attitudes, knowledge-based scores, and office professionals' ability to solve ethical dilemmas have been explored in the study. Longitudinal research design was adopted in the study which data was gathered before training, immediately after, and 90 days after training. The article generated a positive emotional response because it provided new dimensions of exploring the interconnected factors. It created a situation of surprise; unexpected strong impression that attracted the attention for exploring the learning process and how information is internalized relevant to the action. The article assimilates the knowledge that is highly significant in workplace.

The need for new approaches in managing the ethical dilemmas in organization involves exploring the context and influencers that affect the capability of an individual to effectively deal with ethical issues. This has led to the conception of different models for the practical application of systems to manage ethical issues in organization (Wilkinson, 2009). Learning approaches can enhance the knowledge level of an employee. This involves using multiple training approaches to enhance the knowledge, skills, and changing the behavior of an employee.

Key concepts of the research domain have been operationalized through categorization of research concepts into variables. The context of these arguments highlight the importance of the investigating the attitude and knowledge level of office professional and to what extent their cognitive capacity is enhanced to manage themselves in situations characterized as critical through a training program on ethical work practices management. This helps in understanding and managing during their pedagogical action, effective dilemma handling technique that can motivate, and strengthen the productive performance of the participants. Every individual has a different set of skills and responsibilities, collective action, and strive in a different manner towards achieving stability in an ethical dilemma situation (Fisher, 2005). Ethical dilemma at workplace involves processing the information requiring knowledge, judgment, and decision-making skills.

Starting with the limited scope of causal comparative analysis, explanation of the variables phenomenon with the characteristics were incorporated to the ethical dilemma situation and impact of training in influencing the attitude and knowledge base of participant in handling the situation. This helps in achieving covering the complexity that involves all social phenomena that may influence the decision of an office professional in an ethical dilemma situation.


Locate a research article that used one of the sampling techniques described in the textbook.

Summarize the article, identify which sampling procedure was used and discuss the suitability of the method. What other methods could have been used?

Article Selected

Balcia, Y. Ayrancib, U. (2005), Physical violence against women: Evaluation of women assaulted by spouses, Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine, Volume 12, Issue 5, ...
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