Questions And Answer

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Questions and answer

Operating Systems

Memory Management is the part of the operating system software that allocates and

de-allocates memory space to running processes.

(Linker, Loader, Memory Management)

One of the system calls for the Semaphore technique. (Send, Sleep, Wait)

A process that shares the assigned system's resource with another process concurrently while achieving parallelism.

(Thread, I/O process, Kernal)

A process that requires an I/O processing, which is longer than its run time.

(CPU- bounded, Background process, I/O-bounded)

A memory protection technique that is best used with variable partition memory organization and swapping technique in a multiprogramming environment.

(Base and Limit, Protection Rights, Protection Code)

A scheduling technique that reduces the effect of the starvation problem on batch jobs.

(Priority Classes, Priority, Multilevel feedback)

A memory management technique that allows large process to run using smaller partition.

(Variable partition, Overlays, Paging)

--------------------- is a technique used to combine all memory holes into one large partition.

(Paging, Compaction, Swapping)

An operating environment that increases the system's reliability and speedup ratio.

(Real time, Multiprogramming, Parallel)

A system queue that holds the process as soon as it arrives to the operating environment.

(Job queue, Ready queue, Waiting queue)

----------------- is an I/O processing technique that provides Job Pool structure.

(I/O buffers, Spooling, On-line I/O)

Operating Environment and Operating System Concepts

“When a process is rolled out of memory, it loses its ability to use the CPU at least for a while”. hen an interrupt occurs the process loses the CPU, but regains it as soon as the handler completes. The process is never rolled out of memory. Note that when timerrunout occurs, the process is returned to the ready queue, and it may later be rolled out of memory. When the process blocs, it is moved to a waiting queue, where it may also be rolled out at some point.

Batch Operating Environment

Real Time Environment

A method of organizing work for a computer in which items of work are queued up, and the operating system takes one job at a time from the queue and processes it. 

Real time operating environment represent a system that responds to real-time environmental conditions; it is quick enough to handle data and condition in time.

The order in which the jobs are run is at the discretion of the operating system, which will take into account the estimated time to run the job and its demands on resources such as main store or tape drives. If a job is particularly large it may not be run until the middle of the night

The speed of the processor(s) and the time it takes to move data to and from memory are also important. The structure, strengths, and weaknesses of the host operating system can also be a factor. Another approach available in most operating systems is to assign priority to parts of the processing so that the most critical situations are guaranteed to receive the attention of the system.

Batch processing was formerly the usual method of working, when computer time was a very expensive commodity and had to be used efficiently. Such considerations no longer apply and modern computer systems, in particular microcomputers, do not rely on the use of batch ...
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