What's the main point the author is trying to make?
A major debate within organization theory and strategic management concerns whether environments are objective or perctptua1 phenomena. According to Smircich and Stubbart a third view—that environments are enacted through the social construction and interaction processes of organized actors. Although this view has been mentioned in some strategic management literature, its implications have not been oxplored adequately. Smircich and Stubbart demonstrates that enactment implies distinctive trntegic management models, new research questions, and different prescriptions for practitioners.
Smircich and Stubbart variety of these differing perspectives on the organizationonvbonment relationship and on strategic manag ment. Instead, it is to show how an Interpretiv approach, with its different emphasis on what is important, can enrich and expand th theory, research, anil practice of strategic management.
According to another perspective, derived from interpretive sociology, organizations are socially constructed ytems of shared meaning Organization members actively form (enact) their environments through their social interaction? A pattern of enactment establishes the foundation of organizational reality, and in turn has effects in shaping future enactments. The task of Strategies management in this view is organization making
—to create and maintain systems of shared meaning that facilitate organized direction.
The purpose here is not to argue the veracity of these differing perspectives on the organization environment relationship and on strategic management. Instead, it is to show how an Interpretive approach, with its different emphasis on what is important, can enrich and expand the theory, research, anil practice of strategic management(Kiechel 1982).
How do I feel about that?
In my opinion rategic Management is accomplished through a) Strategy formulation, and b) Strategy implementation. In strategy formulation current situations are analyzed, and strategies are selected that best fit the organization's needs. After strategies are selected they are put into action. A good example of this would be a company whose top management decides that they want to grow revenue by 20% per year over the next ten years. They will in turn set objectives based on the internal and external environment. Planning sessions wil lbe held with key members of the organization, and each department will be assigned what is considered a fair share of the responsibility to achieve the organization's objectives. After deciding what resources are needed, the strategy is implemented. The plan is managed through strategic management to ensure that strategies are well implemented and are sufficient to meet the organization's long term organizational success.
Mostly the organizations are existing in the background commercial, economic, political, technological and social world. These environments are changing continuously and this change is affecting the organizations. Sometimes these changes are creating new opportunities for organizations and some times it exerting some threats to organization. So every organization should do environmental analysis on a regular basis. The environmental analysis will drive the organization to maximize its outputs through implementing the opportunities and eliminating the threats(Morgan 1980).
Do I think that the point is going to restrict me or offer new opportunities?
In my opinion it does not restrict new opportunities because Strategic ...