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Question And Answers


Urban political machines were fundamentally the aim of political parties in alignment to gain votes and acceptance by the general public. In alignment to accomplish the acceptance and attractiveness they yearned, the political parties suggested people pays for their votes and support. The pays for people that sustained the political party would be occupations, cash, and diverse other things that would leverage political support. By managing this, political parties for example the Democrats and Republicans became exceedingly well liked and broadly acknowledged as the "best" parties. However, they were most probable considered to as the "best" political parties due to the economic leverage they had on the public. Q2

It is more than two centuries since English artisans and peasants were imprisoned in the "dark Satanic mills" of Arkwright's invention, 159 years since the Communist Manifesto threatened capitalism with proletarian upheaval, 118 years since the founding of the Marxist Second International. It is 90 years since the Bolsheviks thought they were leading a Socialist revolution in the world's largest country, and 62 since victorious Chinese Communists intended the same in the world's most populous state.

Today, the Russian and Chinese Revolutions have been undone, replaced by free-market capitalism. The industrial proletariat of the West has largely disappeared, its work either performed by computerized automatons or, where cheap labour is preferable, outsourced to Asia or South America. Former manufacturing workers--and to an increasing degree, downsized white collar workers--deliver mail, take temporary service jobs, drive cabs, clean, renovate and paint the houses of the wealthy and tend their gardens. Lobotomized by the media and without much economic security, but enjoying the flood of cheap goods flowing from the sweatshops of Asia, they are the loyal subjects of consumer capitalism.

Practical struggles continue, but they are defensive, and for the most part of a different nature than those evoked by the poetry of Blake and the dialectical passion of Marx.



Shortly after the end of World War I and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the Red Scare took contain in the United States.  A nationwide worry of communists, socialists, anarchists, and other dissidents abruptly caught the American psyche in 1919 next a sequence of anarchist bombings.  The territory was grabbed in fear.  Innocent persons were imprisoned for expressing their outlooks, municipal liberties were disregarded, and numerous Americans dreaded that a Bolshevik-style transformation was at hand. Then, in the early 1920s, the worry appeared to dissipate just as rapidly as it had started, and the Red Scare was over.



Because occupations are segregated to a large stage by sex and to some stage by race/ethnicity, the sex and race/ethnic segregation of occupations play a function in conceiving the sex gap and race/ethnic gap in pay. Occupations that are topped up predominantly by women or racial and ethnic minorities yield less than occupations topped up predominantly by men or Whites. One means that might origin this to happen is that the salaries for an whole occupation are set smaller (the occupation ...
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